

Gundemar was Visigothic King of Hispania (the Iberian Peninsula) (610-612).

Gundemar continued a policy of amity with Clotaire II of Neustria and Theodobert II of Austrasia. To this end, he sent grand sums of money to support their cause against their relative (cousin and brother, respectively) Theodoric II of Burgundy. At other times, he demonstrated a politic of hostility against Brunhilda.

In 611, there was an attempt to reestablish the old quadruple alliance of the former king, Witteric, but the death of Gundemar killed these plans.

He died in Toledo, a natural death, sometime around February or March in 612. Ensuing civil wars and rebellions saw the power of king migrate to the nobility and the church. He was succeeded by Sisebut, a man of culture.

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