

A Web Services specification developed by BEA Systems, IBM, and Microsoft. The WS-Transaction specification describes coordination types that are used with the extensible coordination framework described in the WS-Coordination specification. It defines two coordination types: Atomic Transaction (AT) for individual operations, and Business Activity (BA) for long running transactions. Developers can use either or both of these coordination types when building applications that require consistent agreement on the outcome of distributed activities.

External links

* [ WS-Transaction specification]
* [ Distributed transactions with WS-AtomicTransaction and JTA]

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  • transaction — [ trɑ̃zaksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1281; lat. transactio, de transigere → transiger 1 ♦ Dr. Acte par lequel on transige. Contrat par lequel les contractants terminent ou préviennent une contestation en renonçant chacun à une partie de leurs prétentions. ⇒… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Transaction Capabilities Application Part — Transaction Capabilities Application Part, from ITU T recommendations Q.771 Q.775 or ANSI T1.114 is a protocol for Signalling System 7 networks. Its primary purpose is to facilitate multiple concurrent dialogs between the same sub systems on the… …   Wikipedia

  • transaction — trans·ac·tion /tran zak shən, sak / n 1: something transacted; esp: an exchange or transfer of goods, services, or funds 2 a: an act, process, or instance of transacting b: an action or activity involving two parties or things that reciprocally… …   Law dictionary

  • Transaction verification — is the generic term to describe the Internet based security method of verifying that the actual content of a transaction has not been altered by the fraudulent techniques known as Man in the Middle (MitM) and Man in the Browser (MitB). This form… …   Wikipedia

  • Transaction Publishers — is a publishing house that specializes in social sciences books and journals since 1962.OverviewTransaction Publishers is widely acknowledged as a major independent publisher of social science books and serials.Fact|date=August 2008 Transaction s …   Wikipedia

  • Transaction (base de donnees) — Transaction (base de données) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Transaction. Une transaction, dans le cadre d une base de données, est une série d ordres SQL, de type DML (Data manipulating language), ou DDL (Data definition language) encadrés… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Transaction (base de données) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Transaction. Une transaction, dans le cadre d une base de données, est une série d ordres SQL, de type DML (Data manipulating language), ou DDL (Data definition language) encadrés par une instruction de début de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Transaction — Trans*ac tion, n. [L. transactio, fr. transigere, transactum, to drive through, carry through, accomplish, transact; trans across, over + agere to drive; cf. F. transaction. See {Act}, {Agent}.] 1. The doing or performing of any business;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Transaction of a society — Transaction Trans*ac tion, n. [L. transactio, fr. transigere, transactum, to drive through, carry through, accomplish, transact; trans across, over + agere to drive; cf. F. transaction. See {Act}, {Agent}.] 1. The doing or performing of any… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Transaction-level modeling — (TLM) is a high level approach to modeling digital systems where details of communication among modules are separated from the details of the implementation of functional units or of the communication architecture. Communication mechanisms such… …   Wikipedia

  • Transaction Processing over XML — (TPoX) is a computing benchmark for XML database systems. As a benchmark, TPoX is used for the performance testing of database management systems that are capable of storing, searching and retrieving XML data. The goal of TPoX is to allow… …   Wikipedia

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