Hugo Falcandus

Hugo Falcandus

Hugo Falcandus was an Italian historian who chronicled the reign of William I of Sicily and the minority of his son William II in a highly critical work entitled "The History of the Tyrants of Sicily" (or "Liber de Regno Sicilie"). There is some doubt as to whether "Hugo Falcandus" is a real name or a pseudonym. Evelyn Jamison argued that he was Eugenius, "amiratus" from 1190.

The "History" covers the period from 1154 to 1169, the death of Roger II to the majority of William II. Hugo concentrates on the internal politics of the Palermitan court. Intrigues and scandals are never ignored. He has a low opinion of most of his contemporaries and ascribes villainous intent to next to all actions. Nevertheless, his detailed account is so far above other narratives of like time and place that he cannot on grounds of bias be overlooked. According to Lord Norwich, he "has been compared to Tacitus and Thucydides."

The Latin of the work is polished and the first English translation, by G.A. Loud and T. Wiedemann, was published in 1998.


*Norwich, John Julius. "The Kingdom in the Sun 1130-1194". Longman: London, 1970.
* [ "History of the Tyrants of Sicily"] at Patrologia Latina.

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