Alice Freeman Palmer

Alice Freeman Palmer

Alice Freeman Palmer (February 21, 1855–December 6, 1902) was an American educator.

She was born Alice Elvira Freeman in Colesville, New York and brought up in Windsor, New York. She was graduated from the University of Michigan in 1876, taught at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin (1876-77), and at Saginaw, Mich. (1877-79).

Elected to the chair of history in Wellesley College in 1879, she became acting president the next year and president of Wellesley College in 1882. She was married to George Herbert Palmer in 1887. In 1892 she became non-resident dean of the women's department at the University of Chicago, and a spokeswoman for women's place in higher education.

Alice was born a farmer's daughter in New York State. Her father knew there was no future for him in farming, so he left the family to take care of the farm while he gained further education and became a doctor. Alice desperately wanted to also continue her education, but her family could not allow this unless she promised to assist them in supporting the family, while she was away at college. So while she attended college she took teaching jobs to help her family. After she graduated from the University of Michigan, she received a job as principal at a boarding school in Wisconsin, where her reputation soared.

The founder of Wellesley College Henry F. Durant gave Palmer three offers to come and teach at his college, and on the third offer she finally accepted. She would be a professor of history. When Durant died, Palmer, at 26 years old, was elected president of the college. She was the first woman to be the head of a nationally known college. She is also well known for helping the school become more well-rounded and a liberal arts college.

During this time she met her future husband, who taught at Harvard. She resigned from her position at Wellesley College, and began to give public speeches on women's higher public education. She is also the founder of the American Association of University Women.

Palmer summered in Boxford, MA at her husband's home. During those long summer furloughs she explored the local area, took up photography, and sewed. She composed many beautiful poems, of which are found in Palmer's "Life of Alice Freeman Palmer" and "A Marriage Cycle."

In December of 1902 while the Palmers were in Paris on sabbatical that she complained of pains that prompted medical attention. It was discovered that life threatening surgery was needed to fix a rare anomaly in the liver. She choose to have surgery done. During convelescence in a Catholic hospital, she passed away peacefully. Her death was a shock to the whole world, at first hard to imagine, but confirmed in cablegram sent by her husband back home to the family. A service was held in Paris and her body was cremated, due to her requests and the problems of the French government releasing the body out of the country. Palmer's life was commemorated at a service at Harvard University in 1903 by college presidents she knew and other noted people.

Due to vague recordings it is plausible to believe that Professor Palmer retained her ashes until 1909 when a monument was erected at Wellesley College. He felt that it would be a suitable resting place that would inspire generations of girls. A committee headed by prominent men and women such as Charles William Eliot raised subscriptions and hired Daniel Chester French for it was felt it he would best display her character. The monument can be see at Houghton Chapel at Wellesley College. Husband George had his ashes entombed beside his wife's in 1933.


*G. H. Palmer, "The Life of Alice Freeman Palmer" (Boston and New York, 1908)
*"College News" June 16 1909-General history of Palmer memorial


*Bordin, R. [ Alice Freeman Palmer: The Evolution of a New Woman] . The University of Michigan Press
* [ Alice Freeman Palmer ] at [ AAUW - Advancing equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, and research ] at

NAME =Palmer, Alice Freeman
ALTERNATIVE NAMES =Freeman, Alice Elvira
DATE OF BIRTH =21 February 1855
PLACE OF BIRTH =Colesville, New York, United States
DATE OF DEATH =6 December 1902
PLACE OF DEATH =Paris, France

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