António Pinho Vargas

António Pinho Vargas

António Pinho Vargas (born Vila Nova de Gaia, August 15, 1951) is a Portuguese jazz and contemporary music pianist and composer. He's also a book author and essay writer regarding music.

He graduated in History at the University of Porto. He studyed at the Rotterdam Conservatory, from 1987 to 1990, were he graduated in Composition. He's been a teacher of Composition at the Superior School of Music, in Lisbon, since 1991. He started to be a leading name in Portuguese Jazz, often with many influences from contemporary music. He did seven albums in is unique Jazz style, being the first, "Outros Lugares" (1983). He also wrote seven soundtracks from Portuguese films and two theater plays.

Since his return from Holland, he's been mainly a classical composer. He wrote three Operas, several orchestral and ensemble pieces, including works recorded by the Arditti String Quartet, the Galliard Ensemble, the Royal Scottish Academy Brass, the Northern Sinfonia, among others.


António Pinho Vargas was born in 1951, in Vila Nova de Gaia near Oporto. He graduated in History and has the final degree in Piano by the Oporto Conservatory. With a scholarship from the Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian, he studied three years with the composer Klaas de Vries at the Rotterdam Conservatory, having majored in Composition in 1990. He was decorated by the President of the Portuguese Republic with the commend Order of the Infante D.Henrique, in 1995. He now teaches Composition at Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa since 1991 . Attended composition courses, workshops and seminars in Portugal with Emanuel Nunes; in the Netherlands with John Cage and Louis Andriessen; in Hungary with Gyorgy Ligeti and in Italy with Franco Donatoni. He was music consultant both to The Serralves Foundation (Oporto) between 1994 and 2000, and Centro Cultural de Belém (Lisbon), between 1996 and 1998.

Begun to play jazz in 1974 with musicians such as Kenny Wheeler, Steve Potts, Paolo Fresu, Arild Andersen, Jon Christensen and Adam Rudolph. With his jazz group he performed trough Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom, the former Yugoslavia, The United States of America, Cape Verde, South Africa and Macao. Having recorded : Outros Lugares (1983), Cores e Aromas (1985), As Folhas Novas Mudam de Cor (1987), Os Jogos do Mundo (1989), Selos e Borboletas (1991), A Luz e a Escuridão (1996), and the best-of As Mãos (1998). He was awarded three times with the "Sete de Ouro", the Portuguese Press Prize for Best Instrumental Record of the Year. He also composes for theatre and cinema, such as for João Botelhos movies Tempos DifíceisHard Times (1988), I.P.C. Award for Best Soundtrack, and Aqui na TerraHere On Earth (1993); also José Fonseca e Costas movie Cinco Dias, Cinco NoitesFive Days, Five Nights (1996), awarded as Best Soundtrack at the Gramado Movie Festival (Brasil) and João Botelhos Quem és tu? – Who Are You? (2001) and O Fascínio (2003), a José Fonseca e Costa movie. Also composed for Carlos Avilez staging of William Shakespeare's plays Hamlet (1987) and Richard II (1995).

Since his years in Holand, António Pinho Vargas composes mainly contemporary music, having reached a proeminent place in the Portuguese music scenario. He had his works performed in France, Germany, Holand, Belgium, Poland, Hungary, Sweden, Spain, Brasil, United Kingdom and USA. His compositions have been comissioned or sponsored by institutions such as Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian, Culturgest, Lisbons 94European Capital of Culture, Expo98, Teatro Nacional de S. Carlos, Porto2001European Capital of Culture.

In António Pinho Vargasworks, there are compositions for ensemble and solo instruments, such as Mirrors (for piano solo, first performed in Amsterdam, 1990, by Paul Prenen; later performed by Ronald Brautigam, Madalena Soveral, Francisco Monteiro, Tania Achot, Gloria Chen-Chocran, Volker Banfield, Miguel Henriques, and others), or Três Versos de Caeiro (Ensemble Nuova Sincronia, Northern Sinfonia, OrchestrUtopica, Remix Ensemble); compositions for orchestra: Acting Out, (under António Saiote, J.R. Encinar , Martin André), A Impaciência de Mahler, (under. Michael Zilm, Martin André); for choir and orchestra: Judas secundum Lucam, Joannem, Matthaeum et Marco, (under Fernando Eldoro); and the operas Édipo, Tragédia de Saber and Os Dias Levantados (under João Paulo Santos).In April 2005 took place the premiere of Six Portraits of Pain for cello and large ensembleAnssi Karttunen, cello and Remix Ensemble conducted by Frank Olluat the opening of Casa da Música, Porto.

He was at Other Minds V Festival, organized by Charles Amirkhanian in S.Francisco, USA, in March 1999; at the International Music Theatre Workshop, at Oper am Rhein in Dusseldorf, for a video presentation of Os Dias Levantados and in 2001 was at the Bellagio Study and Conference Center, Italy, with a scolarship from the Rockefeller Foundation.

The CD Monodia, was edited at 1995 by EMI Classics, sponsored by Lisbon94 - European Capital of Culture. The string quartet Monodia-quasi un requiem was played in 1998 by the Artis Quartet of Wien, and its included in the Portuguese Chamber Music CD, performed by Arditti String Quartet (Etcetera Records). The CD Versos was edited in 2001 by Strauss and the sponsorship of IPAE.In February and March 2002, Culturgest promoted a Festival dedicated to António Pinho Vargaswork. It was made a documentary -"António Pinho Vargas, notas de um compositor" – António Pinho Vargas, a composers notes , comissioned by Culturgest, LxFilmes and RTP, directed by Manuel Mozos and Luís Correia.

In 2002 also was released of the composers first book, "Sobre MúsicaOn Music", edited by Afrontamento, which contains seven essays and several texts and interviews. The live recording of the opera "Os Dias Levantados", was released at 2005 by EMI Classics. António Pinho Vargas is member of the artistic direction of OrchestrUtopica.

He is now doing his PhD degree at the University of Durham(UK) under the supervision of Prof. Max Paddison (University of Durham) and Prof. Boaventura de Sousa Santos (C.E.S. of the University of Coimbra, Portugal), with a Fellowship from the Foundation of Science and Technology.

In March 2006 was premiered the large orchestra work Graffiti [just forms] by the Orquestra Sinfónica Portuguesa under Lothar Königs.


* 1983 - "Outros Lugares"
* 1985 - "Cores e Aromas"
* 1987 - "As Folhas Novas Mudam de Cor"
* 1989 - "Os Jogos do Mundo"
* 1991 - "Selos e borboletas"
* 1996 - "A Luz e a Escuridão"
* 1998 - "Mãos"
* 2001- "Versos"
* 1995- "Monodia"
* 2003 - "Os dias levantados"





SIX PORTRAITS OF PAIN (2005)for Violoncello and Large Ensemblealto fl, ob, cl, bcl, fg, tp, cor, tbn, 3 perc., pf, Cello Solo,6 vln, 2 vla, 2 vlc, 2 cb;Duration: 27'Commissioned by: Casa da Música / Porto 2001Published by:First Performance: Anssi Karttunen (violoncello) and Remix Ensemble, dir: Frank Ollu, Porto, 2005
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MACHINES FICTIVES (pour Pierrot le fou) (2003)for Ensemblefl; ob; cl; bcl, fg; 2 perc; pf; vl I; vl II; vla; vlc; cb;Duration: 12 'Commissioned by: Fundação OrientePublished by:First Performance: OchestrUtópica, dir. Yu- Feng, Lisboa, 2003

TRÊS VERSOS DE CAEIRO (1997)for 12 instrumentsfl; ob; cl, cor; fg;; pf; perc; vln I ; vl II; vla; vlc; cbDuration: 10'Commissioned by: Foundation Calouste GulbenkianPublished by:First Performance: Ensemble Nuova Sincronia, dir. Renato Rivolta, Lisboa and Milano, 1997

TRÊS QUADROS PARA ALMADA (1994)for 10 instrumentsfl, cl1, cl/clb, fg/cfg, tp, cr, tbn, pf, vln, vlc,Duration: 17'Commissioned by: Professional School of Music - AlmadaPublished by:First Performance: Soloists from Orq. Sinfónica Portuguesa, Lisboa

ESTUDO/FIGURA (1990)for 10 instrumentsfl; cl; c.i.clb; vib/mar; cel/pf vln I vla; vlc; cbDuration: 12'Commissioned by:Published by:First Performance: Performance: Ensemble RC, dir. Arie Van Beck, Ammsterdam

MÚSICA PLANA / MÚSICA CONTRAPLANA (1989)for Opus Ensembleob/c.i.,vla, cb, pf.Duration: 12'Commissioned by: RTPPublished by:First Performance: Soloists from Rotterdam's Conservatorium, Amsterdam(withdrawn for rev.)

CÍRCULOS (1986)for ensemble (10 instruments)fl; ob; cl; v; va; vc; pf; percDuration: 10'Commissioned by:Published by:First Performance: Oficina Musical, dir. Álvaro Salazar, 1987(withdrawn for rev.)




GRAFFITI [just forms] (2006)for large orchestra( perc. pf.hp.- 25 'Commissioned by: Teatro Nacional de São CarlosPublished by: Performance: Orq. Sinfónica Portuguesa, dir. LOTHAR KÖNIGS, Março2006, Grande Auditório do CCB

REENTERING (2004)for orchestra and percussion obligato( - -1perc) ( 8 'Commissioned by: Teatro Nacional de S. CarlosPublished by:First Performance: Orq. Sinfónica Portuguesa dir. Donato Renzentti, Lisboa, 2004

... VON FREMDEN LÄNDLER ... (2004)for piano solo and orchestra( - - 2 perc- 18 'Commissioned by: International Music Festival of CoimbraPublished by:First Performance: Orq. Gulbenkian, dir. Yu Feng; piano: Anne Kaasa, Coimbra, 2004

DUAS PEÇAS (1992-2000)for string orchestra( 15'Commissioned by:Published by:First Performance: Orq. Nacional do Porto, dir. Cesário Costa, V.N. Gaia

A IMPACIÊNCIA DE MAHLER (1999)for orchestra( - 1 perc); ( 20 'Commissioned by: Foundation Calouste GulbenkianPublished by: FermataFirst Performance: Orq. Gulbenkian, dir. Michael Zilm, Lisboa, 2001

ACTING-OUT (1998 - 2000)for piano, percussion and orchestra(2. 2. 2. 1. 2 - 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 2 perc); strings A (; strings B ( 19 'Commissioned by: Teatro Nacional de São CarlosPublished by: Portuguese Music Information Centre Performance: Orq. Sinfónica Portuguesa, dir. António Saiote.Piano: Miguel Henriques, Percussion: Elizabeth Davies, Lisboa, 1998

EXPLICIT DRAMA (1992)for orchestra and jazz trioDuration: 20 'Commissioned by: Comissão Portuguesa dos DescobrimentosPublished by:First Performance: Orq. Gulbenkian, dir. Michel Swiertchevisky, Lisboa.(withdrawn for rev.)

GEOMETRAL (1988 - 2000)for Orchestra (27 instruments)Duration: 20 'Commissioned by: Foundation Calouste GulbenkianPublished by:First Performance: Orq. Gulbenkian, dir. Michel Tabachnik, Lisboa, 1989




DOIS VIOLINOS FOR CARLOS PAREDES (2003)for 2 violins( - -1perc) ( 6 'Commissioned by: Movimentos PerpétuosPublished by:First Performance: Aníbal Lima e Pedro Pacheco, Lisboa, 2003

STEP BY STEP, WOLFS! (2002)for 6 perdussionists( - -1perc) ( 6 'Commissioned by: DrummingPublished by:First Performance: Drumming, dir. Miguel Bernat, 2002

TRÊS ESTUDOS FOR 2 PIANOS (2000-2001)for 2 pianosDuration: 15 'Commissioned by:Published by:First Performance: Miguel Henriques, Ana Valente, Lisboa, 2001

TWO FAMILY DISCUSSIONS (2001)for 2 trumpetsDuration: 6 'Commissioned by: International Music Festival of MafraPublished by: Instituto Camões, 2003First Performance: John Wallace, John Miller, Mafra, 2001
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QUATRO OU CINCO MOVIMENTOS FUGIDIOS DA ÁGUA (2001)for clarinet trioDuration: 15 'Commissioned by:Published by: Quantitas, 2003; Performance: Cl: António Saiote, Vlc: Jed Barahal, Pf: António Rosado, Póvoa de Varzim, 2001
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SETE CANÇÕES DE ALBANO MARTINS (2000)for barítone and pianoDuration: 18'Commissioned by:Published by: FermataFirst Performance: Paulo Ferreira, Jaime Mota, Porto, 2000
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ESTUDOS E INTERLÚDIOS (2000)for 6 percussionistsDuration: 25'Commissioned by:Published by:First Performance: Drumming, dir. Miguel Bernat, Lisboa, 2000

TERCEIRO VERSO DE CAEIRO (1997)for 4 instrumentsDuration: 10'Commissioned by: "Sven for Parlor"Published by:First Performance: "Sven for Parlor", Athens, 1997

NOVE CANÇÕES DE ANTÓNIO RAMOS ROSA (1995)for voice e pianoDuration: 25'Commissioned by: Encontros Primavera de GuimarãesPublished by: FermataFirst Performance: Rui Taveira, Jaime Mota, Guimarães, 1995
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NOCTURNO/DIURNO (1994)for string sextetDuration: 8'Commissioned by: Câmara Municipal do PortoPublished by:First Performance: Sextuor L'Artois de Lille, Porto, 1994

MONODIA - quasi un requiem (1993)for string quartetDuration: 15'Commissioned by: Câmara Municipal do Porto para as Jornadas de Arte Contemporânea de 1993Published by: Portuguese Music Information Centre Performance: Ensemble MusikFabrik, Porto, 1993
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MECHANICAL STRING TOYS (1992)for string orchestra(8,6,6,4,4)Duration: 6'Commissioned by: Orquestra Metropolitana de LisboaPublished by:First Performance: Orq. Metropolitana de Lisboa,dir. Miguel Graça Moura, Lisboa, 1992

POETICA DELL ESTINZIONE (secondo mikhal serguieievitch) (1990)for flute and string quartetDuration: 6'Commissioned by: Oficina MusicalPublished by:First Performance: Oficina Musical,dir. Álvaro Salazar, Porto, 1990

CUT (1989 / rev.: 2004)for saxophone quartetalto/soprano; alto; tenor; baritoneDuration: 8'Commissioned by:Published by: Performance: Quarteto de Saxofones de Lisboa, Lisboa, 1989

GRAVITAÇÕES (1984)for flute and clarinetalto/soprano; alto; tenor; baritoneDuration: 6'Commissioned by: Oficina MusicalPublished by:First Performance: Eduardo Lucena, Américo Aguiar (Oficina Musical), Porto, 1984(withdrawn for rev.)




A LITTLE MADNESS IN THE SPRING (2006)chamber opera3 singers; fl; ob; cl; Bcl; fg; tp; hn; tbn; 2 perc; harp; pf; vl I; vl II; vla; vln; cb;Electronics by Carlos Caires and Antonio Pinho VargasLibreto: Paulo TunhasDuration: 32'Commissioned by: Casa da MúsicaPublished by:First Performance: Eduarda Melo, Matthew Bean, Ivan LudlowRemix Ensemble, dir. Franck Ollu, Lisboa, 1996

JUDAS (secundum Lucam, Joannem, Matthaeum et Marcum) (2002)for choir and orchestraLarge Choir; ( 1 perc); ( 30'Commissioned by: Festival de Música Sacra de Viana do CasteloPublished by: Performance: Choir and Orq. Gulbenkian dir. Fernando Eldoro, 2002

OS DIAS LEVANTADOS (1998)opera8 singers; Large Choir; ( - - 3 perc) ; StringsLibretto: Manuel GusmãoDuration: 105'Commissioned by: Expo'98Published by:First Performance: Orq. Sinfónica Portuguesa, Choir from Teatro Nacional de S. Carlos,dir. João Paulo Santos, Lisboa, 1998
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ÉDIPO - Tragédia de Saber (1996)opera4 singers; 32 choir; fl;fg; cl; ob; tp; tbn; 2 perc pf; vl I; vl II; vla; vln; cb;Libretto: Pedro PaixãoDuration: 64'Commissioned by: CulturgestPublished by:First Performance: Soilists from Orq. Sinfónica Portuguesa, Choir from Teatro Nacional de S. Carlos, dir. João Paulo Santos, Lisboa, 1996

ANCESTRAL E MUDO (1994)operafor 4 mixed choirDuration: 5'Commissioned by:Published by:First Performance: Coro de Câmara de Lisboa, dir. Teresita Gutierrez Marques, Lisboa, 1994




IL RITORNO (2002)for harpsichordDuration: 14'Commissioned by: International Music Festival of MafraPublished by: Instituto Camões, 2003First Performance: Ana Mafalda Castro, Mafra, 2002

HOLDERLINOS (2001)for pianoDuration: 26'Commissioned by: International Music Festival of CoimbraPublished by: Partituras PortugalSom; www.dgartes.ptFirst Performance: Miguel Henriques, Coimbra, 2001

LA LUNA (1996)for guitarDuration: 3'Commissioned by: Cecilia Colien HonnegerPublished by: Cecilia Colien Honneger Album; Performance: Gabriel Estrahellas, Madrid, 1996

MIRRORS (1989)for pianoDuration: 9'Commissioned by: Secretaria de Estado da CulturaPublished by: Musicoteca, 1994; Portuguese Music Information Centre Performance: Paul Prenen, Amsterdam, 1990
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TRÊS FRAGMENTOS (1987)for clarinet soloDuration: 5'Commissioned by:Published by: Oficina Musical, 1995First Performance: António Saiote, Lisboa, 1987

PEÇA (1983)for flute soloDuration: 4'Commissioned by: Calouste Gulbenkian School of BragaPublished by:First Performance: Olavo Tengner, Jorge Salgado, Braga, 1983(withdrawn for rev.)




TEMPOS DIFÍCEIS (1988)by João Botelho

AQUI NA TERRA (1993)by João Botelho

CINCO DIAS, CINCO NOITES (1996)by José Fonseca e Costa

QUEM ÉS TU ? (2001)by João Botelho

O FASCÍNIO (2003)by José Fonseca e Costa


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