Harald Klak — Halfdansson (born probably c. 785 died after 829, probably murdered in 852) was a king in Jutland (and possibly other parts of Denmark) around 812 ndash;814 and again from 819 ndash;827. FamilyThe identity of his father is not certain. Harald… … Wikipedia
History of Somerset — Somerset is an historic county in the south west of England. There is evidence of human occupation since prehistoric times with hand axes and flint points from the Palaeolithic, and a range of burial mounds, hill forts and other artifacts dating… … Wikipedia
Frá Fornjóti ok hans ættmönnum — (Old Norse for Of Fornjot and His Kinsmen ) is legendary saga consisting of a collection of three works on the foundation of Norway:* Hversu Noregr byggðist ( How Norway was inhabited ) * Fundinn Noregr ( Foundation of Norway ) * Af Upplendinga… … Wikipedia
Heruli — The Heruli (spelled variously in Latin and Greek) were a nomadic Germanic people, who were subjugated by the Ostrogoths, Huns, and Byzantines in the 3rd to 5th centuries. The name is related to earl (see erilaz) and was probably an honorific… … Wikipedia
Origo Gentis Langobardorum — Wodan, with Frigga, looks down from their window in the heavens to the Winnili women below (1905) by Emil Doepler. The Origo Gentis Langobardorum is a short 7th century account offering a founding myth of the Lombard people. The first part… … Wikipedia
Llewellyn Worldwide — (formerly Llewellyn Publications) is a New Age publisher, currently based in Woodbury, Minnesota, a suburb of St. Paul. Llewellyn s mission is to serve the trade and consumers worldwide with options and tools for exploring new worlds of mind… … Wikipedia
Mythology of the Low Countries — The folklore of the Low Countries (The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg [Meijer, 1971.] ) has its roots in the mythologies of pre Christian Gaulish (Gallo Roman) and Germanic cultures, predating the region s Christianization by the Franks… … Wikipedia
Asser — (auch John Asser, Asserius Menevensis; † um 909) war ein Mönch aus dem Kloster St. David s im Königreich Dyfed in Wales und späterer Bischof von Sherborne Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werk 3 Übersetzung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Halfdan Ragnarsson — fue un caudillo escandinavo durante la Era vikinga y era uno de los hijos de Ragnar Lodbrok con Aslaug, quien junto a sus hermanos Ubbe e Ivar el Deshuesado, dirigieron el gran ejército pagano.[1] Se ha sugerido que Halfdan también es conocido… … Wikipedia Español
Harald Klak — Halfdansson (c. 785 – c. 852) fue un caudillo vikingo, rey de Jutlandia, Dinamarca (y posiblemente de otros territorios daneses) hacia 812–814 en un primer periodo, y de nuevo entre 819–827. No hay registros certeros sobre la paternidad de Harald … Wikipedia Español