Administrative divisions of Krasnodar Krai

Administrative divisions of Krasnodar Krai

*Cities and towns under the krai's jurisdiction:
**Krasnodar (Краснодар) (administrative center)
***"city okrugs":
****Karasunsky (Карасунский)
*****with 2 "rural okrugs" under the city okrug's jurisdiction.
****Prikubansky (Прикубанский)
*****with 3 "rural okrugs" under the city okrug's jurisdiction.
****Tsentralny (Центральный)
****Zapadny (Западный)
**Anapa (Анапа)
***with 2 "rural okrugs" under the town's jurisdiction.
**Armavir (Армавир)
***with 3 "rural okrugs" under the town's jurisdiction.
**Belorechensk (Белореченск)
***with 1 "rural okrug" under the town's jurisdiction.
**Gelendzhik (Геленджик)
***with 4 "selsovets" under the town's jurisdiction.
**Goryachy Klyuch (Горячий Ключ)
***with 7 "rural okrugs" under the town's jurisdiction.
**Kropotkin (Кропоткин)
**Krymsk (Крымск)
**Labinsk (Лабинск)
**Novorossiysk (Новороссийск)
***"city okrugs":
****Primorsky (Приморский)
****Tsentralny (Центральный)
****Vostochny (Восточный)
****Yuzhny (Южный)
***with 6 "rural okrugs" under the city's jurisdiction.
**Slavyansk-na-Kubani (Славянск-на-Кубани)
**Sochi (Сочи)
***"city districts":
****Adlersky (Адлерский)
*****"Urban-type settlements" under the city district's jurisdiction:
******Krasnaya Polyana (Красная Поляна)
*****with 3 "rural okrugs" under the city district's jurisdiction.
****Khostinsky (Хостинский)
*****with 2 "rural okrugs" under the city district's jurisdiction.
****Lazarevsky (Лазаревский)
*****with 6 "rural okrugs" under the city district's jurisdiction.
****Tsentralny (Центральный)
**Tikhoretsk (Тихорецк)
***with 1 "rural okrug" under the town's jurisdiction.
**Tuapse (Туапсе)
**Yeysk (Ейск)
***with 1 "rural okrug" under the town's jurisdiction.
**Abinsky (Абинский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Abinsk (Абинск)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Aktyrsky (Ахтырский)
***with 6 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Anapsky (Анапский)
***with 8 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Apsheronsky (Апшеронский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Apsheronsk (Апшеронск)
****Khadyzhensk (Хадыженск)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Neftegorsk (Нефтегорск)
***with 9 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Beloglinsky (Белоглинский)
***with 4 "rural okrugs" and "stanitsa okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Belorechensky (Белореченский)
***with 9 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Bryukhovetsky (Брюховецкий)
***with 8 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Dinskoy (Динской)
***with 10 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Gulkevichsky (Гулькевичский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Gulkevichi (Гулькевичи)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Girey (Гирей)
****Krasnoselsky (Красносельский)
***with 12 "rural okrugs" and "stanitsa okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Kalininsky (Калининский)
***with 8 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Kanevsky (Каневский)
***with 9 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Kavkazsky (Кавказский)
***with 8 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Korenovsky (Кореновский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Korenovsk (Кореновск)
***with 9 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Krasnoarmeysky (Красноармейский)
***with 10 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Krylovsky (Крыловский)
***with 6 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Krymsky (Крымский)
***with 10 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Kurganinsky (Курганинский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Kurganinsk (Курганинск)
***with 9 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Kushchevsky (Кущевский)
***with 13 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Labinsky (Лабинский)
***with 12 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Leningradsky (Ленинградский)
***with 12 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Mostovsky (Мостовский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Mostovskoy (Мостовской)
****Psebay (Псебай)
***with 12 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Novokubansky (Новокубанский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Novokubansk (Новокубанск)
***with 8 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Novopokrovsky (Новопокровский)
***with 8 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Otradnensky (Отрадненский)
***with 14 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Pavlovsky (Павловский)
***with 11 "rural okrugs" and "stanitsa okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Primorsko-Akhtarsky (Приморско-Ахтарский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Primorsko-Akhtarsk (Приморско-Ахтарск)
***with 8 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Seversky (Северский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Afipsky (Афипский)
****Chernomorsky (Черноморский)
****Ilsky (Ильский)
***with 9 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Shcherbinovsky (Щербиновский)
***with 8 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Slavyansky (Славянский)
***with 14 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Starominsky (Староминский)
***with 5 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Tbilissky (Тбилисский)
***with 8 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Temryuksky (Темрюкский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Temryuk (Темрюк)
***with 11 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Tikhoretsky (Тихорецкий)
***with 11 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Timashyovsky (Тимашёвский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Timashyovsk (Тимашёвск)
***with 9 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Tuapsinsky (Туапсинский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Dzhubga resort settlement (Джубга)
****Novomikhaylovsky resort settlement (Новомихайловский)
***with 7 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Uspensky (Успенский)
***with 10 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Ust-Labinsky (Усть-Лабинский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Ust-Labinsk (Усть-Лабинск)
***with 13 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Vyselkovsky (Выселковский)
***with 10 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Yeysky (Ейский)
***with 10 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.


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