Zirconium nitride

Zirconium nitride

Chembox new
Name = Zirconium nitride
ImageFile = Zirconium(III)_nitride.jpg
ImageName = Zirconium nitride
OtherNames =
Section1 = Chembox Identifiers
CASNo = 25658-42-8

Section2 = Chembox Properties
Formula = ZrN
MolarMass = 105.231 g/mol
Appearance = yellow crystals
Density = 7.09 g/cm3, solid
MeltingPt = 2960°C
BoilingPt =

Section3 = Chembox Structure
CrystalStruct = cubic

Section7 = Chembox Hazards
EUClass = not listed

Zirconium nitride, ZrN, is a nitride of zirconium.

Zirconium Nitride comes in various forms. It is hard ceramic material similar to Titanium Nitride and is a cement like refractory material. When applied using the PVD coating process it is commonly used for coating medical devices, industrial parts, automotive and aerospace components and other parts subject to high wear and corrosive environments. [ [http://www.mmicoating.com/ Molecular Metallurgy, Inc.] ] It is also used in refractories, cermets and laboratory crucibles.

ZrN superconducts below 10K [ [http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/109626777/abstract?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0 Lengauer, Walter. Characterization of nitrogen distribution profiles in fcc. transition metal nitrides by means of Tc measurements. Surface and Interface Analysis (1990), 15(6), 377-82.] ] .


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