- Per Bak
Infobox Scientist
box_width = 300px
name = Per Bak
image_width = 200px
caption = Per Bak at the ITCP 1992.
birth_date =December 8 1948
birth_place =Brønderslev ,Denmark
death_date =October 16 2002
death_place =Copenhagen ,Denmark
residence =
citizenship =
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fields =Physicist
workplaces =Brookhaven National Laboratory University of Copenhagen Santa Fe Institute
Niels Bohr Institute Imperial College London
alma_mater =Technical University of Denmark Risø National Laboratory
doctoral_advisor =
academic_advisor =
doctoral_students =Sergei Maslov Kim Sneppen
notable_students =
known_for =Self-organized criticality Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld sandpile
author_abbrev_bot =
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influences =
influenced =
awards =
religion =
footnotes =Per Bak (
December 8 1948 -October 16 2002 ) was a Danish theoretical physicist, attributed with the development of the concept ofself-organized criticality .Life and work
Bak was born in
Brønderslev , Denmark. After studying at theTechnical University of Denmark , he received a doctorate in 1974 and went on to work atBrookhaven National Laboratory inUpton, New York . He specialized inphase transition s, such as those occurring when an insulator suddenly becomes a conductor or when water freezes. In that context, he also did important work on complicated spatially modulated (magnetic) structures in solids. This research led him to the more general question of how organization emerges from disorder.In 1987, he and two postdoctoral researchers,
Chao Tang andKurt Wiesenfeld , presented new ideas on organization with a concept they coinedself-organized criticality in an article in "Physical Review Letters ". The first discovered example of adynamical system displaying such self-organized criticality was named after them as theBak-Tang-Wiesenfeld sandpile model.Faced with many skeptics, Bak pursued the implications of his theory at a number of institutions, including the above mentioned Brookhaven National Laboratory, the
Santa Fe Institute inNew Mexico , theNiels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen andImperial College London , where he became a professor in 2000.He took his ideas to a broader audience in 1996 with his ambitiously entitled book, "
How Nature Works ".In 2001, Bak learned that he had
myelodysplastic syndrome . He died in 2002 inCopenhagen and was survived by his second wife, Maya Paczuski, a physicist at Imperial College, and his four children.Others about Per Bak
*"He was the most American of Danes," said
Predrag Cvitanović . "Danes eschew confrontation, but he was arrogant and loved to fight with his colleagues in academia. We all have stories of how we first met him, usually remembered by some outrageous statement or insult."
*A sample of Prof. Bak's statements at conferences: After a young and hopeful researcher had presented his recent work, Prof. Bak stood up and almost screamed: "Perhaps I'm the only crazy person in here, but I understand zero - I mean ZERO - of what you said!". Another young scholar was met with the gratifying question: "Excuse me, but what is actually non-trivial about what you did?"
*Chao Tang mentions his mentor's irreverent style, "He certainly was one of the most original people in science, and also one of the very few who truly doesn't care what other people think about what he is doing. He was sort of on his own."Selected publications
Per Bak has written several important books and articles, including:
* 1982, "Commensurate phases, incommensurate phases, and the devil's staircase", in: "Reports on Progress in Physics", Vol. 45, pp.587-629;DOI|10.1088/0034-4885/45/6/001
* 1987, "Self-organized criticality: an explanation of 1/f noise", withChao Tang andKurt Wiesenfeld , in: "Physical Review Letters", Vol. 59, pp.381-384;DOI|10.1103/PhysRevLett.59.381
* 1996, "How Nature Works: The Science of Self-Organized Criticality", New York: Copernicus. ISBN 0-387-94791-4External links and references
* [http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v420/n6913/full/420284a.html Obituary in Nature magazine]
* [http://3quarksdaily.blogs.com/3quarksdaily/2006/02/rx_sand_piles_a.html Sand Piles and Cancer] Short article about Per Bak by Azra Raza, M.D., in [http://3quarksdaily.com "3 Quarks Daily"]
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