Yesod (Kabbalah)

Yesod (Kabbalah)

Yesod ("foundation"; יסוד) is one of the important Kabbalistic sephirot. Yesod is the sephirah below Hod and Netzach, and above Malkuth (the kingdom).


The sephirah of yesod, translates spiritual concepts into actions that unite us with God.

It is often associated with the moon, because it is the sphere which reflects the light of all the other sephirot into Malkuth, and it is associated with the sexual organs, because it is here that the higher spheres connect to the earth.

It plays the role of collecting and balancing the different and opposing energies of Hod and Netzach, and also from Tiphereth above it, storing and distributing it throughout the world. It is likened to the 'engine-room' of creation.

The archangel of this sphere is Gabriel, and the Cherubim is the Angelic order.

Non-Jewish Kabbalah

In Christian kabbalah it is compared to the 'Holy Spirit', that aspect of God that descends upon the earth and sanctifies it, and it occupies a point on the central pillar, along with Keter ( God the Father ), and Tiphereth ( God the Son ).

Occultists compare it with the idea of 'Ether', from the traditional elements, and it is the cross-over from consciousness to matter. For that reason, some occultists compare it with the modern-day concept of a quantum field, pointing to the different theories suggesting that in quantum mechanics, human consciousness plays a vital role in physical processes.

Comparing with forms of Eastern mysticism, Yesod is most commonly associated with the Swadhisthana chakra, which is associated with the moon, with sexuality, and with the unconscious.


* [ Sefirot Yesod (at]
* [ Yesod: The Translator]
* [ Lessons in Tanya]

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