- Hippolyte Pixii
Hippolyte Pixii (1808–1835) was an instrument maker from
Paris ,France . In 1832 he built an early form ofalternating current electrical generator, based on the principle of magnetic induction discovered byMichael Faraday . Pixii's device was a spinning magnet, operated by a hand crank, where the North and South poles passed over a coil with aniron core. A current pulse was experienced each time a pole passed over the coil. He also found that the current direction changed when the North Pole passed over the coil after the South pole and this of course was alternating current. Later on acting on a suggestion byAndre Ampere other results were obtained by introducing a commutator, which produced a pulsatingdirect current which at this time was much more preferred than alternating current. Although Pixii at the time did not fully understand electromagnetic induction, his device led to more sophisticated devices.External links
* [http://www.magnet.fsu.edu/education/tutorials/java/pixiimachine/index.html Interactive Java Tutorial on the Pixii Machine invented by Hippolyte Pixii] National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
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