

Grunewald (Greenwood) is both a forest in Berlin on the east side of the Havel and a locality of the Berlin borough of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf. While the name derives from the Grunewald hunting lodge of 1543, the neighbourhood developed out of a so-called "mansion colony" at the western end of the Kurfürstendamm. Promoted by Otto von Bismarck the upper class of Berlin from 1880 on discovered Grunewald as an attractive site for living. Today, the social structure of Grunewald is still influenced by these origins. The Rot-Weiss Tennis Club, home of the WTA Tour German Open, has been located in the district since 1897.

On June 24, 1922 Foreign Minister of Germany Walther Rathenau was assassinated by members of the Organisation Consul in a curve of the street called "Koenigsallee." A memorial stone marks the scene of the crime.

Since 1981 Grunewald is the home of the Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin. It also houses the embassies of Qatar, Kuwait, Laos, the Republic of Macedonia, Poland and Serbia.

Within the forest is the artificial Teufelsberg hill, once a listening station of the US National Security Agency. At the shore of the Havel river the Grunewaldturm, built by Franz Schwechten in 1898, offers panoramic views of the Havelland region. The Grunewald hunting lodge nearby is officially located on the grounds of the Dahlem locality.

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