Faina Ranevskaya

Faina Ranevskaya

Faina Grigoryevna Ranevskaya ( _ru. Фаина Григорьевна Раневская), (OldStyleDate|August 27|1896|August 15 - July 19, 1984) is recognized as one of the most popular Soviet Russian actresses both tragical and comic.

She acted in plays by Anton Chekhov, Alexandr Ostrovsky, Maxim Gorky, Ivan Krylov, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, and others. Unfortunately, we can judge about her theater performances only by photos as only three final performances of "Make Way for Tomorrow" by Vina Delmar, "Truth is Good, but Happiness is Better" by Alexandr Ostrovsky, "The Curious Savage" by John Patrick were filmed. Faina Ranevskaya is more known to a wide audience as a cinema actress by her performance in such films as "Pyshka" ("Boule de Suif"), "The Man in a Shell", "Mechta" ("Dream"), "Vesna" ("Spring"), "Zolushka" ("Cinderella"), "Elephant and String" and many more.


She was born as Faina Feldman (Фельдман) to a wealthy Jewish family in the city of Taganrog. Her father, Girsch Haimovich Feldman, owned a dry-ink factory, several buildings, a shop and the steamboat "Saint Nicolas". He was the head of Taganrog synagogue and a founder of a Jewish asylum for the aged. Faina's mother, Milka Rafailovna (née Zagovaylova), was a great admirer of literature and art. That and her passion for Chekhov inluenced Faina's love of art, poetry, music, and theater. There were three other children in the family - two brothers and an older sister named Bella.

Faina Feldman attended the elementary school classes at the Mariinskaya Gymnasium for Girls, and then received regular home education. She was given music, singing, foreign languages lessons. Faina loved reading. Her passion for theater began when she was 14. Her attendance of Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" at the Moscow Art Theater was an experience that had great impact on her. Her pseudonym "Ranevskaya," which later became her official surname, also came from that theater visit.

In 1915 she left Taganrog for Moscow to pursue a career in the theater. Faina became estranged from her family over her choice of career, which they apparently rejected. She started as an extra actor in crowd or background scenes at the Malakhov Summer Theater near Moscow in 1915.

The Feldman family emigrated in 1917, but Faina decided to stay and continued her acting career, working in the theaters of Kerch, Rostov on Don, at the mobile theater "The First Soviet Theater" in Crimea, also in Baku, Arkhangelsk, Smolensk and other cities.

In 1931 Ranevskaya acted at the Camera Theater.

The film "Pyshka" (known as "Boule de Suif" in the U.S.), directed by Mikhail Romm marked her debut as a film actress in 1934. It was a silent black and white film based on the novel "Boule de Suif" by Guy de Maupassant where she starred as Madame Loiseau. Although the film was silent, Ranevskaya learned several sayings of Madame Loiseau in French from the original novel by Maupassant. Romain Rolland, French writer who visited Soviet Union in the thirties loved the film, and his favorite actor in the movie was Faina Ranevskaya.

The actress was awarded the USSR State Prizes for outstanding creative achievements on stage in 1949, and in 1951 for her work in the film "U nih est' Rodina" ("They Have Their Motherland"), directed by Vladimir Legoshin and Alexandre Feinzimmer. In 1961 Faina Ravevskaya was awarded the title of the People's Artist of the USSR.

The actress died in 1984 in Moscow and was buried at the Donskoe Cemetery. A memorial plate dedicated to Ranevskaya was placed on her birthhouse in the city of Taganrog on August 29, 1986.

May 16, 2008: Ranevskaya Monument was inaugurated in Taganrog in front of actress's birth house on Ulitsa Frunze within the framework of the International Ranevskaya Theater Festival "The Great Province".


* 1934 "Pyshka" ("Boule de Suif")
* 1938 "Duma Pro Kozaka Holotu" ("The Tale of Cossack Holota")
* 1939 "Chelovek V Futlyare" ("The Man in a Shell")
* 1939 "Oshibka Inzhenyera Kochina" ("The Mistake of the Engineer Kochin")
* 1939 "Podkidysh" ("The Foundling")
* 1941 "Mechta" ("The Dream")
* 1943 "Novye Pokhozhdeniya Shveyka" ("The New Adventures of Schweik")
* 1944 "Svadba" ("The Wedding")
* 1945 "Nebesnyy Tikhokhod" ("Celestial Slow-Walker")
* 1947 "Ryadovoy Aleksandr Matrosov" ("Private Alexandr Matrosov")
* 1947 "Vesna" ("Spring") - see Lyubov Orlova, Nikolai Cherkasov
* 1947 "Zolushka" ("Cinderella")
* 1949 "Vstrecha Na Elbe" ("Meeting on the Elba")
* 1958 "Devushka S Gitaroy" ("The Girl With Guitar")
* 1960 "Ostorozhno, Babushka!" ("Watch Out, Grandma!")
* 1964 "Legkaya Zhizn" ("Easy Life")
* 1965 "Segodnya - Novyy Attraktsion" ("Today - New Side Show")

External links

*imdb name|id=0709993|name=Faina Ranevskaya
*en icon [http://taganrogcity.com/pr_05162008.html Monument to Ranevskaya Inaugurated in Taganrog]
*en icon [http://taganrogcity.com/pr_04162008.html First International Ranevskaya Drama Festival "The Great Province"]

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