

Morpheus may refer to:

  • Morpheus (mythology), the principal god of dreams in the Greek mythology
  • Morpheus (DC comics), a moniker for Dream, a fictional character in the comic book The Sandman
  • Morpheus (The Matrix), a fictional character from the film The Matrix, played by Laurence Fishburne
  • King Morpheus, a fictional character in the Little Nemo comics
  • Morpheus (Deus Ex), a minor artificial intelligence character in the game Deus Ex
  • Morpheus (Percy Jackson) a minor character who appears in the last book in the series and is the god of dreams.
  • Morpheus D. Duvall, the principal antagonist of Resident Evil: Dead Aim.
  • Morpheus (Cardio Sleep Management System), is a WideMed registered trademark.
  • Morpheus (computer program), file-sharing client/server software operated by the company StreamCast
  • Morpheus (morphing software) is a morphing software for Windows and Mac OS X
  • Morpheus (1987 video game), a video game developed by Andrew Braybrook in 1987
  • Morpheus (1998 video game), a video game released in 1998
  • Morpheus lemmatiser, Greek and Latin morphological parser and lemmatising software produced by Perseus Project
  • Project Morpheus, NASA project to produce a vertical test bed and pre-prototype lunar lander called Morepheus
  • Morpheus, a composition for viola and piano by Rebecca Helferich Clarke
  • Morpheus (album), a music album by Canadian group Delerium
  • Morpheus (musician), a Spanish dark ambient and industrial ambient artist
  • Morpheus (band) an American death metal band formed in 1990,changed name to Morpheus Descends in 1992
  • Morpheus (band) an American thrash metal band formed in 1992
  • Morpheus (Synthesizer) produced in the mid-1990s by E-mu Systems

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