Ernst Hofbauer

Ernst Hofbauer

Ernst Hofbauer (b. 22 August 1925 Vienna, Austria - d. 24 February 1984
Munich, Germany at age 58) was an Austrian film director.

During the early 1970s, in Munich, Hofbauer teamed with Walter Boos, Wolf C. Hartwig, and Ludwig Spitaler to produce the original thirteen films under the banner "Schulmadchen Report" (or "Schoolgirl Report"); the stories were adapted from books written by Guenther Hunold, while Guenther Heller composed the film script, Klaus Werner did the camera work, and the music was handled by Gert Wilden & Orchestra. Hofbauer and Boos were referred to as the 'Titans of Teen Libido'. The films were classified as 'sexploitation', and were extremely popular, seen by more than 30 million people all over the world.

In the United States, the films were released in grindhouses and drive-ins, and the names of the films were changed to conform to American standards. Because the films focused on young girls who may have been under legal age in this country, the "Schoolgirl Report" series was eventually suppressed.

The "Schoolgirl Report" series was very interesting because the films portrayed many unknown teenagers and actresses who were vibrant, beautiful, naive, innocent, and unabashed. Most of the films related a series of vignettes to tell an interesting story. Hidden pedophile lust, co-ed skinnydipping, situations involving first-time sexual experiences, and encounters with teachers were all shown in the episodes. Interracial love affairs, male and female masturbation sequences, forced prostitution, rape, voyeurism, harmless erotic games, seduction, and erotic touching are also portrayed in the vignettes. Well-known German sex kitten Ingrid Steeger and the ever-horny Italian comic Rinaldo Talamonti play key roles in many of the vignettes. Rosl Mayr appears in almost all of the thirteen "Schulmadchen Report" films as an elderly lady with a comic role. She is perfectly cast as a comedic talent and is the only senior actress that plays a key element in many of the vignettes. Marie Ekorre, Sonja Jeannine, Christina Lindberg, and Birgit Tetzlaff are a few of the young actresses who titillate the audience with their erotic encounters. Friedrich von Thon conducted street interviews to discuss the plots in the vignettes, and many of the situations were followed up with a courtroom setting (the male actors were charged with statutory rape). The "Schoolgirl Report" films were classified as 'soft-core' eroticism, which is similar to the David Hamilton genre.

Ernst Hofbauer directed many erotic films in addition to the original thirteen "Schulmadchen Report" classics. Sex sells, and Hofbauer exploited consumer demand for R-rated movies involving young actors and actresses. He had a unique style that combined youth, eroticism, wit, and anecdote. His exploitation films of the 1970s appealed to moviegoers from all walks of life.


A chronological list of the original 13 "Schoolgirl Report" films follows:

*"Schulmadchen Report I": What Parents Don't Think is Possible, aka Schoolgirl Report Part I
*"Schulmadchen Report II": What Keeps Parents Awake at Night, aka Schoolgirl Report Part II
*"Schulmadchen Report III": What Parents Find Unthinkable, aka Schoolgirls Growing Up
*"Schulmadchen Report IV": What Drives Parents to Despair, aka Campus Swingers
*"Schulmadchen Report V": What All Parents Should Know, aka 14 and Under
*"Schulmadchen Report VI": Erotic Young Lovers, aka Campus Pussycats
*"Schulmadchen Report VII": But Heart Needs to Be There
*"Schulmadchen Report VIII": What Parents Should Never Get to Know, aka Naughty Coeds
*"Schulmadchen Report IX": Examination Before the Matriculation
*"Schulmadchen Report X": Every Girl Starts Sometime
*"Schulmadchen Report XI": Confessions of a Naked Virgin, aka Blue Dreams
*"Schulmadchen Report XII": Young Girls Need Love, aka Blue Fantasies
*"Schulmadchen Report XIII": Don't Forget The Love When Having Sex

In addition to the original "Schulmadchen Report" films, Ernst Hofbauer directed several other erotic movies featuring adult as well as young actresses. A partial list of these films is shown below:
*"Secrets of Sweet Sixteen"
*"The Teeny Boppers"
*"Swinging Wives"
*"Office Girls"
*"Girls at the Gynecologist"
*"Housewife Report"
*"Sex in the Office"
*"Red Dragon"
*"Naughty Coeds"

Walter Boos, Wolf C. Hartwig, and Ludwig Spitaler teamed with Ernst Hofbauer in the production of the "Schoolgirl Report" films. After Hofbauer finished directing the series, Boos and Hartwig continued directing subsequent films in the genre. The following films were produced and directed after Hofbauer turned over the reins to his co-workers:

*"The Intimate Teenagers"
*"Teenage Playmates"
*"Should a Schoolgirl Tell"
*"Swinging Coeds"
*"Swinging Wives"
*"Train Station Pickups"


[ Ernst Hofbauer at the Internet Movie Database]

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