Firestorm (EP)

Firestorm (EP)

Infobox Album | Name = Firestorm
Type = EP
Artist = Earth Crisis

Released = 1993
Recorded = June 14 - June 16 1993
Genre = Hardcore punk
Length = 15:11
Label = Victory Records
Producer = Earth Crisis and Bill Korecky
Reviews =
Last album = All Out War
This album = Firestorm
Next album = Destroy the Machines

Firestorm is an EP by the American hardcore punk band Earth Crisis, which was released in 1993. Firestorm is still one of the more controversial releases in U.S hardcore and the title song has been accused of promoting a hardline stance. However, although the lyrics are promoting violence as a method of fighting against drug lords and dealers (with the lines "Violence against violence, let the roundups begin, a firestorm to purify the bane that society drowns in"), the song's subject matter has very little to do with the hardline ideology.

Track listing

# "Firestorm" / "Forged in the flames" – 6:35
# "Unseen Holocaust" – 4:56
# "Edens Demise" – 3:43 (only CD)


*Karl Buechner - vocals
*Benjamin Read - guitar
*Scott Crouse - guitar
*Dennis Merrick - drums
*Ian Edwards - bass

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