- PC-Port-Forwarding
PC-Port-Forwarding Company Verigio Communications http://www.verigio.com PC-Port-Forwarding performs a port forwarding (port translation) of TCP ports on Windows platform allowing transparent redirection of traffic from a range of ports to a specific port. The port forwarding can be set for either one or both directions: incoming and outgoing.
The program also performs a traffic reflection which is the traffic is sent back to the sender’s address as if it bounced from the destination address. In traffic reflection, the traffic never actually leaves the sender’s computer. The traffic reflection can be combined with the port forwarding and results in the traffic which was sent to an external address coming instead back to another port on the local computer.
The program comes with a modern user interface which allows saving and loading of settings for port forwarding and traffic reflection. Other options manage user notifications for performed traffic adjustments.
PC-Port-Forwarding implements traffic adjustments using the driver framework. That yields performance gains over user-mode solutions. It does not require any additional hardware besides the standard network card.
Categories:- TCP/IP
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.