- Overnight Running Relay
One of the most popular trends in the running world right now is the Overnight Running Relay.[citation needed] These races usually consist of teams of runners from 6 to 12 individuals. Each team member will run a given leg, while the other team members shuttle in an automobile to the next exchange rotating thru the whole team. Longer relays will have each member of the team run 3 legs over the course of 175–200 miles and shorter relays will just do 2 legs. This allows runners to rest and refuel and enjoy the company of their team mate which is really what has catapulted the overnight running relay into such popularity. Hanging out with friends and making new ones while doing something bigger that the individual is capable of.
The Hood to Coast relay [1] is the grandfather of all relays, happening every year in Oregon. There are now many relays across the US and other noteworthy races include
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