Outside In (organization)

Outside In (organization)

Outside In is a nonprofit organization in Portland, Oregon that helps homeless youth and other marginalized people move towards improved health and self-sufficiency by providing social and medical services. Founded in 1968 in Downtown Portland, Outside In has continually revised their services to meet changing client needs and provide individualized support for homeless youth. Their services include programs in housing, education, employment, counseling, medical care, healthy meals, recreation and art, and safety off the streets. As a Federally Qualified Health Center, Outside In provides 20,000 medical visits each year to the most vulnerable members of the community. Outside In’s medical clinic is a teaching site for medical students of OHSU, OCOM and NCNM.[1][2][3]

Outside In's Virginia Woof Dog Daycare is the first dog daycare center in the country to be used as a job-training program. A nationally recognized program, Virginia Woof provides job training to give youth a foundation from which to build assets, gain experience and financial skills, and move into jobs in career tracks. Homeless youth who are trained and job ready can become employed and establish a productive life in the community.

Rock musician Elliott Smith had planned to work with the organization but never got the opportunity before his death in 2003.[4] As a result, his family has chosen that a portion of the proceeds from his posthumous compilation album New Moon (released on 8 May 2007) will be donated to Outside In.[5]

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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Outside In — For the nonprofit organization in Portland, Oregon, see Outside In (organization). Outside In Directed by Stephen van Vuuren Music by Ferry Corsten, William O …   Wikipedia

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  • outside — out|side [ ,aut saıd, aut,saıd ] function word *** Outside can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): He was sitting at a table outside the café. as an adverb (without a following noun): Why don t you go and play… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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  • outside — 1 /aUt saId, aUtsaId/ preposition 1 out of a particular building or room: As soon as we were outside the door we burst out laughing. opposite inside 3 (2) 2 out of a building but still close to it: I ll meet you outside the hardware store at 2 o… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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