Line of Gennari

Line of Gennari
Brain: Line of Gennari
Cerebral cortex. To the left, the groups of cells; to the right, the systems of fibers. Quite to the left of the figure a sensory nerve fiber is shown.
Visual cortex - intermed mag.jpg
Micrograph showing the visual cortex (predominantly pink). The blue, horizontal band in the lower half of the image are the bands of Baillarger / the line of Gennari. Subcortical white matter (predominantly blue) is seen at the very bottom of the image. HE-LFB stain.
Latin stria occipitalis laminae granularis internae isocorticis
Gray's subject #189 846
NeuroNames ancil-163

In the human brain, the stria of Gennari (also called the "band" or "line" of Gennari) is a band of myelinated axons projecting into layer 4B of the primary visual cortex from layer 4Cα. This formation is visible to the naked eye, and is coterminous with area V1. Although other species have areas which are designated primary visual cortex, some (if not all) lack a stria of Gennari.[1]

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  1. ^ Zilles and Wree. Isocortex in Paxinos (Ed.) The Rat Nervous System, 1985.

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  • line of Gennari — the name given to the prominent external band of Baillarger (stria laminae granularis internae) in the region of the calcarine sulcus; because it is so highly visible, the region is called the striate cortex. Called also band, stria, or stripe of …   Medical dictionary

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  • Gennari — Francesco, Italian anatomist, 1750–1795. See G. band, G. stria, line of G., stripe of G …   Medical dictionary

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  • stria — 1. A stripe, band, streak, or line, distinguished by color, texture, depression, or elevation from the tissue in which it is found. SYN: striation (1). 2. SYN: striae cutis distensae. [L …   Medical dictionary

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