Band of Gennari

Band of Gennari

Infobox Brain
Latin =
GraySubject = 189
GrayPage = 846

Caption = Cerebral cortex. To the left, the groups of cells; to the right, the systems of fibers. Quite to the left of the figure a sensory nerve fiber is shown.

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BrainInfoType = ancil
BrainInfoNumber = 163
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DorlandsPre = l_10
DorlandsSuf = 12495043
In the human brain, the stria of Gennari (also called the "band" or "line" of Gennari) is a band of myelinated axons projecting into layer 4C of the primary visual cortex from the lateral geniculate nucleus. This formation is visible to the naked eye, and is coterminous with area V1. All feed-forward signals passed to V1 arrive through these fibers. Although its retinotopic organization is identical to that of the other layers of V1, layer 4 differs in a number of ways, such as lacking ocular dominance columns, and is presumed to perform significantly different functional roles than the rest of V1.

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  • Gennari-Streifen — Unterteilung des Großhirns in Hirnlappen (Lobi), Seitenansicht. Der Occipitallappen (Lobus occipitalis, eingedeutschte Schreibweise Okzipitallappen, „Hinterhauptslappen“) ist der hinterste Anteil des Großhirns und der kleinste der vier Hirnlappen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Gennari — Francesco, Italian anatomist, 1750–1795. See G. band, G. stria, line of G., stripe of G …   Medical dictionary

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