Otto von Sadovszky

Otto von Sadovszky

Otto J. von Sadovszky, Hungarian-American anthropologist and linguist. (1925 -2004).

Otto von Sadovszky was a professor in anthropology at California State University, Fullerton. He claims to have proven that almost 80 percent of the languages spoken by 19 Indian tribes in California and two nations in Siberia are related. The relationship consists of more than 10,000 different words and grammatical traits. The languages were or are spoken in an area from Monterey to Bodega Bay and Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley, and by 6 000 Mansi and 17 000 Khanty, east of the Urals.


  • Shamanism past and present, I-II (1989)
  • Shamans and Cultures (1993)
  • Fish, Symbol and Myth (1995)
  • Shamanism in performing arts (1995)
  • Vogul folklore (1995)
  • The Discovery of California: A Cal-Ugrian Comparative Study (1996)

"Otto von Sadovszky (1925-2004)", Pre-Columbiana: A Journal of Long-Distant Contacts, 3: 1-3 (Dec. 2003/June & Dec. 2004): 168 - 69. I. Sutton, "The Ob-Ugrian/Cal-Ugrian Connection: Rediscovering The Discovery of California," American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 26(4) 2002: 113-120.


  • Illustrerad Vetenskap 10/1985

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