Otto Krümmel

Otto Krümmel

Otto Krümmel (8 July 1854 Kcynia, Province of Posen – 12 October 1912 Cologne) was a German geographer influential in awakening public interest in oceanography.


He was educated principally in the University of Göttingen, and approached the subject of geography at first through the study of classics and history. But in 1883, he became professor of geography at the University of Kiel, and in that seaport found the connection of his subject with marine investigations which directed his subsequent career. He remained at Kiel until 1911, and during his tenure of it he introduced the science of oceanography to public interest through his handbook Der Ozean (1886), completed Boguslavsky's work on oceanography in Ratzel's series of geographical handbooks (1887), joined, and published an account of, the “Plankton Expedition” on board the National in the North Atlantic Ocean (1889), served on the International Council for the Study of the Sea (1900-9), and finally produced the great work of his life, the Handbuch der Ozeanographie, in 1907-11. In 1911, Krümmel quitted Kiel to take up the professorship of geography at the University of Marburg.


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