Federal Ministry for Health and Social Security (Germany)

Federal Ministry for Health and Social Security (Germany)

The Federal Ministry for Health and Social Security (in German, "Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und Soziale Sicherung") was a ministry of the German federal government from 2002 to 2005.

It was headed by the Federal Minister for Health and Social Security. Its portfolio was a combination of that of the former Federal Ministry of Health and one part of the former Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. The other part of the latter was added to the portfolio of the newly created Federal Ministry for Economics and Labour. Under the Grand Coalition headed by Angela Merkel, the portfolio reshuffle was reversed, and the old Federal Ministries of Economics and technology, of Labour and Social Affairs and of Health were created once again.

External links

* [http://www.bmgs.bund.de Official site]


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