- Bouillon
Infobox Belgium Municipality
picture=Bouilon 005.jpg
mayor=André Defat (ACTION)
postal-codes=6830, 6831, 6832, 6833, 6834,
6836, 6838
web= [http://www.bouillon.be/ www.bouillon.be]
lon_min=04Bouillon is a
municipality ofBelgium . It lies in the country'sWalloon Region and Luxembourg Province.The municipality, which covers 149.09 km², had 5,477 inhabitants, giving a
population density of 36.7 inhabitants per km².History
In the
Middle Ages Bouillon was a lordship within the Duchy of Lower Lorraine and the principal seat of theArdennes-Bouillon dynasty in the 10th and 11th century. In the 11th century they dominated the area, and held the ducal title along with many other titles in the region. Bouillon was the location of the ducal mint and the dominant urban concentration in the dukes' possession.Murray, p. 10.]There is a common misconception that Bouillon was a
County . While the lords of Bouillon often were counts and dukes, Bouillon itself was not a county. The fortification of Bouillon was, along with the County of Verdun, the core of the possessions of theArdennes-Bouillon dynasty , and their combined territory was a complex mixture of fiefs, allodial land and other hereditary rights throughout the area. An example of the latter is the Advocacy of the monastery of Saint-Hubert en Ardennes, which was granted to Godfrey II by the Bishop of Liège. [Murray, p. 11.]The most famous of the
Lords of Bouillon wasGodfrey of Bouillon , who sold Bouillon Castle to theBishopric of Liege . The bishops started to call themselves dukes of Bouillon, and the town emerged as the capital of a sovereign duchy by 1678, when it was captured from the bishopric by the French army and given to theLa Tour d'Auvergne family. The duchy was prised for its strategic location as "the key to theArdennes " (asVauban called it) and hence to France itself. It remained a quasi-independent protectorate, like Orange andMonaco , until 1795, when the Republican Army finally annexed it to France.Chronology
*988 - First mention of the castle of Bouillon in a letter to Godfrey the Captive from his brother
Adalberon, Archbishop of Reims .
*1045 - Godfrey the Bearded rebels against the emperor, who has the castle destroyed.
*1065 - Godfrey the Bearded comes to terms with the emperor and rebuilds the castle in Bouillon.
*1082 - Bouillon Castle is inherited byGodfrey of Bouillon , who sells it to the Bishop of Liège for 3 marks of gold and 1300 marks of silver in order to finance his participation in theFirst Crusade . Pursuant to the treaty, Godfrey and his three successors retain the right to repurchase the castle at the same price but have no money to make good this privilege.
*1129 - Godfrey's indirect successor, Count Renaud of Bar, captures Bouillon Castle by force.
*1141 - The bishop of Liège expels Count Renaud from Bouillon.
*1155 - TheHoly Roman Emperor confirms the bishopric's rights to Bouillon.
*1291 - Thebishops of Liège start to style themselves "Dukes of Bouillon", referring to the castle's former position as the seat of the dukes of Lower Lorrain.
*14th century - Bouillon Castle, as an exclave of the bishopric of Liège, is governed by specially appointed "castellan s".
*1415 - The office of castellan becomes a hereditary possession of thevan der Marck family, a cadet branch of the future Dukes ofCleves andJulich .
*1482 -William de la Marck hasLouis de Bourbon, Bishop of Liège assassinated and succeeded by his own sonJohn van der Marck . Another part of the chapter electsJohn van der Horn as an anti-bishop, thus plunging the bishopric into a civil war.
*May 21, 1484 - Treaty is signed atTongeren , whereby the van der Marck family forfeits its claims to the bishopric and supports Liège's struggle againstEmperor Maximilian for the reward of 30,000 livres. Bouillon Castle is mortgaged to William van der Marck until the time of repayment.
*1492 - The treaty of Donchery reiterates the provisions of the treaty of Tongeren. As no repayment follows, the van der Marck family retains Bouillon Castle and assumes the title of the Dukes of Bouillon.
*1521 - The army ofEmperor Charles V takes hold of Bouillon and restitutes it to the bishopric of Liège.
*1526 - Robert III van der Marck is promoted toMarshal of France and styles himself Duke of Bouillon on this occasion.
*1529 - TheTreaty of Cambrai obligatesFrancois I of France not to help Robert III in his struggle to retake Bouillon.
*1547 - Robert IV van der Marck is madeMarshal of France . Theletters patent officially style him "Duc de Bouillon".
*1552 -Henri II of France reconquers Bouillon from the bishops ang gives it to Robert IV.
*1559 - TheTreaty of Cateau-Cambresis restitutes Bouillon to the bishops of Liège, stipulating that the rights to the disputed territory are to be determined by a special arbitration, which never takes place.
*1598 - TheTreaty of Vervins again calls for arbitration of the dispute between the bishopric and the van der Marck family.
*October 15, 1591 - Upon extinction of the van der Marck family, their heiress Charlotte is married to Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne, Marshal of France.
*May 8, 1594 - Charlotte van der Marck dies without issue, and her claims to Bouillon pass to her husband, Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne.
*October 24, 1594 - Charlotte's cousin,Henri de Bourbon , Duc de Montpensier gives up his claims to the Bouillon succession in exchange for an annuity.
*August 5, 1601 - An agreement is signed between Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne and Charlotte's paternal uncle, Comte de Maulevrier, whose descendants continue to press their claims to Bouillon for the rest of the 17th century.
*September 3, 1641 - Henri's son, Frédéric Maurice de La Tour d'Auvergne, renounces his claims to the reward of 30,000 livres promised by the bishops of Liege in the Treaty of Tongeren.
*1651 - Frédéric Maurice de La Tour d'Auvergne exchanges his sovereign princely titles for several ducal and comital titles in thePeerage of France . The agreement obligates France to restitute Bouillon to theLa Tour d'Auvergne on the first opportunity.
*1658 - Pursuant to the convention of 1641, the bishops of Liège pay 150,000 guelders to Frederic Maurice, but he continues to style himself Duc de Bouillon despite their protests.
*1676 - The French army takes Bouillon from the bishops and restitutes it to theLa Tour d'Auvergne , as was promised by the exchange of 1651.
*1679 - TheTreaties of Nijmegen confirm theLa Tour d'Auvergne in possession of the duchy of Bouillon. Although a French contingent remains stationed in Bouillon, the dukes exercise sovereign rights to coin money, create peers and grant other titles. They also claim Saint-Hubert as one of their "peerages".
*1757 - Charles Godefroy de La Tour d'Auvergne is welcomed in Bouillon as a sovereign duke, despite formal protests issued by the bishop of Liège.
*1786 - The 6th Duke of Bouillon from theLa Tour d'Auvergne family adoptsPhilip Dauvergne , a British captain and his postulated relative.
*June 25, 1791 - The 6th Duke of Bouillon issues a declaration naming Philip Dauvergne as his successor in Bouillon after extinction of the La Tour d'Auvergne family.
*October 25, 1795 - Annexation of Bouillon by theFrench Republic .
*December 27, 1796 - French Republic promulgates a law restoring all the estates of Bouillon to the 7th Duke.
*August 26, 1798 - French Republic sequesters all the estates of Bouillon pertaining to the 1651 exchange.
*March 8, 1800 - The sequester is repealed and the estates are restored to the 7th Duke of Bouillon.
*February 7, 1802 - Death of the 7th Duke and extinction of theLa Tour d'Auvergne family.
*January 3, 1809 - The settlement of the Bouillon succession is endorsed byEmperor Napoleon .
*1815 - TheCongress of Vienna gives Bouillon to theNetherlands until the final settlement of the succession dispute between Philip Dauvergne (a British admiral by that time) and Charles-Alain-Gabriel de Rohan-Guemene (an Austrian general and the last duke's closest relative on his paternal side).
*September 18, 1816 - Philip Dauvergne, ruined by the succession disputes, commits suicide, but the litigations concerning Bouillon drag on inconclusively until 1825.Modern town
The town sits in a sharp meander of the river
Semois (German: "Sesbach", Walloon: "Simwès", inFrance : Semoy) whose total length is 210 km. The surrounding area is largely forested.The
Castle of Bouillon still sits above the town centre, and is a popular tourist attraction.Villages
Bellevaux |Corbion | Dohan |La Cornette |Les Hayons |Muno |Poupehan |Rochehaut |Noirefontaine |Sensenruth |Ucimont |Vivy Historical population
cite book
last = Murray
first = Alan V.
title = The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem. A Dynastic History 1099-1125.
publisher = Prosopographica et Genealogica
year = 2000
id = ISBN 1-900934-03-5External links
* [http://www.bouillon.be/ Official web site] , in French
* [http://www.fortified-places.com/bouillon.html Webpage about the fortifications]
* [http://www.hoeckmann.de/germany/luxemburgkarte.htm Map of Luxembourg and Bouillon in 1789]
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