Operation: Osmin

Operation: Osmin

Operation: Osmin is a TV show produced by American cable network nuvoTV. Each episode consists of one or two out-of-shape challengers who undergoe grueling, unconventional training from Osmin, a celebrity fitness trainer who was kicked out of Cuba’s revolutionary navy because he was insane. Osmin has 30 days to get 10 people into the shape of their lives by using his signature “world is my gym” technique and a diet of fish, water, and salad. He makes them dumpster dive, pick up random pieces of concrete in a parking lot, and run in the ocean while interrogating and threatening them.

First run episodes of Season One first aired on July and August of 2011 and consisted of ten, self-contained, unscripted episodes.

First run episodes on Season Two will air in January, March and April of 2012 and consist of 13 self-contained, unscripted episodes.

Operation: Osmin was created by Eric Evangelista and Osmin Hernandez. The program is produced by Evangelista's New York based production company Hot Snakes Media for nuvoTV. It is the highest rated original program ever to air on nuvoTV.

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