

Infobox Belgium Municipality
picture=Herve JPG01.jpg



mayor=André Smets (cdH)
majority=cdH - PS
web= [http://www.herve.be/ www.herve.be]

Herve is a Walloon municipality of Belgium in Province of Liege. On January 1 2006 Herve had a total population of 16,772. The total area is 56.84 km² which gives a population density of 295 inhabitants per km².

It is famed for its cheese, the "Herve".


* "The church St Jean-Baptiste": built in the 17th century. The tower, with a height of 49m, dates back to the 13th century. The bell tower is a distinctively crooked spire, in order to offer better resistance to the wind. The church was classed as a Historic Monument in 1934.

Municipal merger

On January 1 1977, the municipality of Herve was merged with Battice, Bolland, Chaineux, Charneux, Grand-Rechain, Julémont and Xhendelesse under the name of "City of Herve" ("Ville de Herve" in French).Herve is currently constituted of 11 villages: Battice, Bolland, Bruyères, Chaineux, Charneux, Grand-Rechain, Herve, José, Julémont, Manaihant, Xhendelesse.

External links

* [http://www.herve.be/ Ville de Herve - official site]

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