Shuttle 2.01

Shuttle 2.01

Infobox Space Shuttle | name =2.01 "Baikal"

caption =
number =
country = Soviet Union
contract =
named_after = Lake Baikal (?)
first_flight =
first_date =
last_flight =
last_date =
missions =
crews =
time = Never flew in space
orbits =
distance =
deployed =
dockings_mir =
dockings_iss =
status = unfinished|

Shuttle 2.01 was the third space shuttle vehicle of the Soviet Buran program, serial number "11F35 K3". It is often suggested that 2.01 was to be named "Baikal", named after Lake Baikal. Fact|date=February 2007 2.01's construction was not complete when the Buran program was ended (30-50 percent done), so it remains unfinished. cite web | url = | title = Shuttle Buran 2.01 current status | accessdate = 2006-08-05]

Differences from Shuttle Buran

The 2.01 is the first of a second series of Burans. The main differences between the second series and the first are located in the cockpit, which has been improved using feedback from the flight of the Buran and the construction of Ptichka. It was also equipped with Zvezda K-36RB ejection seats for the first manned flights. Fact|date=February 2007

Projected flights

It was projected in 1989 that the Shuttle 2.01 would have its first manned space test flight in 1994, with a duration of twenty-four hours. The craft would have been equipped with a life support system and two ejection seats. Crew would have consisted of two cosmonauts – Igor Volk (commander) and Aleksandr Ivanchenko (flight engineer). cite web | url = | title = Экипажи "Бурана" Несбывшиеся планы. | publisher = | accessdate = 2006-08-05 ru icon]

Current status

After residing at the Tushino factory where it was constructed, it was incorrectly announced in 2006 that Shuttle 2.01 would be put on display in the Sinsheim Auto & Technik Museum, Germany. However, the German Museum had actually bought OK-GLI, which will be on display in its own new hangar from September 2008.


External links

* [ 2.01 Space Shuttle]
* [ 2.01 status incorrectly mentioning its relocation to Germany]
* [ Images of 2.01 parked open air in Moscow in 2004 with a notice it's being moved to NPO Molniya]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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