- Office of Inspector General, United States Agency for International Development
Office of Inspector General,
U.S. Agency for International DevelopmentAbbreviation USAID OIG Formation December 16, 1980 Inspector General Donald A. Gambatesa [1] Parent organization United States Agency for International Development Website www.usaid.gov/oig [2] The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)[1] Office of Inspector General (OIG)[2] operates under the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended.[3] OIG is responsible for detecting and preventing fraud, waste, abuse, and violations of law and to promote economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the operations of USAID, the Millennium Challenge Corporation,[4] the United States African Development Foundation,[5] and the Inter-American Foundation.[6] Upon request, OIG also provides oversight services to the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.[7]
The OIG fulfills these responsibilities by conducting audits, investigations, inspections, and other reviews. OIG accomplishments are reported in semiannual reports to the Congress[8] as prescribed by the Inspector General Act. OIG’s published plans and reports,[9] testimony,[10] and press releases[11] are available on its Web site.[12]
OIG is organized into four operational units: Audit, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, Investigations, and Management. It has nine overseas offices located in Baghdad, Iraq; Cairo, Egypt; Dakar, Senegal; Islamabad, Pakistan; Kabul, Afghanistan; Manila, Philippines; Pretoria, South Africa; San Salvador, El Salvador; and Tel Aviv, Israel.
Inspector General Donald A. Gambatesa[13] began his tenure on January 17, 2006.References
- ^ www.usaid.gov
- ^ | www.usaid.gov/oig
- ^ | www.usaid.gov/oig/IG_Act-with_Reform_Act_Booklet_March27.pdf
- ^ | www.mcc.gov
- ^ | www.adf.gov
- ^ | www.iaf.gov
- ^ | www.opic.gov
- ^ | www.usaid.gov/oig/public/semiann/semiannual_recent.htm
- ^ | www.usaid.gov/oig/public/public1.htm
- ^ | www.usaid.gov/oig/whoweare/presentation_at_international_co1.htm
- ^ | www.usaid.gov/oig/pressreleases.htm
- ^ | www.usaid.gov/oig/
- ^ | www.usaid.gov/oig/ig.htm
Categories:- Inspectors general
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