Sandra Sakata

Sandra Sakata

Sandra Sakata (born 1940 in Watsonville, California, USA, died 1997 in San Francisco) was an American fashion designer.[1]

As one of the originators of the Art to wear fashion movement, her boutique, Obiko, founded in the mid 1970s, featured one-of-a-kind designs of mostly San Francisco Bay Area designers. She inspired these designers to produce jewelry, hand knits, woven fabrics, and hand-dyed silks inspired by ethnic influences worldwide that are symbolic of the art-to-wear movement. These designs were included at the flagship store, located on Sutter Street near Union Square. Later, Obiko expanded to New York City. Some of their creations are now in museums.[citation needed] The boutique closed in 1997 when she died of breast cancer.[1]


  1. ^ a b J.L. Pimsleur and Trish Donnally, Obituary — Sandra Sakata, September 24, 1997.

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