List of demons

List of demons

This is a list of demons, including both specific demons (e.g. Satan) and types of demons (e.g. succubus).

The names of many demons have several spellings. If you do not find what you are looking for on this page try the "search engine". If the demon is listed here under another name it will show you the title of the article which text matches. Just type the word in the box on the left side of your screen and then click on the "search" button or press "enter". If you find that the article title exists but is not listed here under any name, you can edit the page and add the link.



*Aamon (Christian demonology)
*Abaddon (Christian demonology)
*Abalam (Christian demonology)
*Abraxas (Gnosticism)
*Ad-Dajjal (a.k.a. Dajjal) (Islamic eschatology)
*Adramelech (Assyrian mythology)
*Aeshma (Zoroastrianism)
*Af (Jewish mythology)
*Agaliarept (Jewish mythology)
*Agares (Christian demonology)
*Agiel (Jewish mythology)
*Agramon (Christian demonology)
*Ahriman/Angra Mainyu (Zoroastrianism)
*Aim (Christian demonology)
*Akem Manah/Akoman/Akvan (Zoroastrianism)
*Ala (Slavic mythology)
*Alal (Chaldean mythology)
*Alastor (Christian demonology)
*Alichino (Dante's Divina Commedia)
*Al-A'war (Islamic mythology)
*Alloces (Christian demonology)
*Allu (Akkadian mythology)
*Al-Mukhannats (Islamic mythology)
*Amaymon (Christian demonology)
*Amdusias (Christian demonology)
*Ammut (Egyptian mythology)
*Anamalech (Assyrian mythology)
*Anzu (Sumerian mythology)
*Amon (Christian demonology)
*Amy (Christian demonology)
*Andhaka (Hindu mythology)
*Andras (Christian demonology)
*Andrealphus (Christian demonology)
*Andromalius (Christian demonology)
*Antichrist (Christian demonology)
*Apep (a.k.a. Apophis) (Egyptian mythology)
*Apollyon (Christian demonology)
*Arjhang-e Div (Persian mythology)
*Armaros (Christian demonology)
*Asag (Sumerian mythology)
*Asb'el (Jewish mythology)
*Asmodai/Asmodeus (Jewish folklore and Christian demonology)
*Astaroth (Christian demonology)
*Astarte (Semitic mythology)
*Asura (Hindu mythology)
*Azazel (Jewish demonology) and (Islamic mythology)
*Azi Dahaka/Dahak (Zoroastrianism)


*Baal (Christian demonology)
*Baal shamem (Caananite mythology)
*Bagat (Shape-shifting demon from the Philippines)
*Balam (Christian demonology)
*Balberith (Jewish demonology)
*Bali Raj (Hindu mythology)
*Banshee (Irish mythology)
*Baphomet (Demon, or image/idol thereof)
*Barbariccia (Dante's Divina Commedia)
*Barbas (Christian demonology)
*Barbatos (Christian demonology)
*Bartimaeus (Stroud's Bartimaeus Trilogy)
*Bathin (Christian demonology)
*Baztuk (Stroud's Bartimaeus Trilogy)
*Beelzebub (Jewish demonology, Christian demonology)
*Behemoth (Jewish demonology)
*Beherit (Phoenician mythology)
*Be'lakor (Warhammer Fantasy deamonology)
*Belial (Jewish demonology, Christian demonology)
*Beleth (Christian demonology)
*Belphegor (Christian demonology)
*Berith (Christian demonology)
*Bhuto Ijo (a.k.a. Green Giant) (Javanese mythology)
*Bies (Slavic Mythology)
*Bifrons (Christian demonology)
*Biule (Romanian mythology)
*Boruta (Slavic mythology)
*Botis (Christian demonology)
*Buer (Christian demonology)
*Bukavac (Slavic mythology)
*Bune (Christian demonology)
*Bushyasta (Zoroastrianism)


*Caacrinolaas (Christian demonology)
*Cagnazzo (Dante's Divina Commedia)
*Caim (Christian demonology)
*Calcabrina (Dante's Divina Commedia)
*Castor (Stroud's Bartimaeus Trilogy)
*Chalkatura (Apocryphal Gospel of Bartholomew)
*Charun (Etruscan mythology)
*Charuth (Apocryphal Gospel of Bartholomew)
*Chemosh (Moabite mythology)
*Cho Cho (Buddhist demonology)
*Chupacabra (Latin American mythology)
*Cimejes (Christian demonology)
*Ciriatto (Dante's Divina Commedia)
*Coalprin (Christian demonology)
*Corson (Christian demonology)
*Crocell (Christian demonology)
*Crone (Christian demonology)
*Culsu (Etruscan mythology)


*Dagon (Semitic mythology)
*Damar (Universal Demonology)
*Dantalion (Christian demonology)
*Danjal (Jewish mythology)
*Dasa (Hindu mythology)
*Dasim (Islamic mythology)
*Davy Jones (sailor lore)
*Decarabia (Christian demonology)
*Demogorgon (Christian demonology)
*Devil (Christian demonology)
*Div-e Sepid (Persian mythology)
*Djinn (Islamic mythology)
*Dmitryus (Christian mythology)
*Donn (Irish mythology)
*Draghinazzo (Dante's Divina Commedia)
*Drekavac (Slavic mythology)
*Dumah (Jewish demonology)
* Duth (Apocryphal Gospel of Bartholomew)


*Eligos (Christian demonology)
*Empusa (Greek mythology)
*Errtu (Literature, R.A. Salvatore)
*Etrigan (DC Comics)
*Ettin (Christian and Jewish demonology)
*Euryale (Greek mythology)
*Eurynome (Greek mythology)
*Eurynomos (Greek mythology)
*Eleksha (Christian demonology)


*Familiars (Christian demonology)
*Farfarello (Dante's Divina Commedia)
*Faquarl (Stroud's Bartimaeus Trilogy)
*Fleuretty (Christian demonology)
*Focalor (Christian demonology)
*Foras (Christian demonology)
*Forneus (Christian demonology)
*Furies (Roman mythology)
*Furcas (Christian demonology)
*Furfur (Christian demonology)


*Gader'el (Jewish demonology)
*Gaki (Japanese mythology)
*Genderuwo (Indonesian demonology)
*Glasya-Labolas (Christian demonology)
*Gorgon (Greek mythology)
*Graphathas (Apocryphal Gospel of Bartholomew)
*Gremory (Christian demonology)
*Grigori (Jewish demonology)
*Gusion (Christian demonology)


*Haagenti (Christian demonology)
*Halphas (Christian demonology)
*Hanan'el (Christian demonology)
*Hantu (Philippinan mythology)
*Haures (Christian demonology)
*Hoethra (Apocryphal Gospel of Bartholomew)
*Humbaba (Sumerian mythology, Akkadian mythology)


*Ifrit (Islamic mythology)
*Incubus (Christian demonology, Chaldean mythology, Jewish folklore)
*Ipos (Christian demonology)
*Iblis (Islamic mythology)
*Ithea (Christian demonology)


*Jabor (Stroud's Bartimaeus Trilogy)
*Jalourous (Christian demonology)
*Javna (Charmed TV series)
*Jelangkung (a.k.a. Jerangkong) (Indonesian demonology)
*Jinn (Islamic mythology)
*Jikininki (Japanese mythology)


*Kabhanda (Hinduism)
*Kasdaye (Christian demonology)
*Ka ni na (Japanese mythology)
*Kitsune (Japanese mythology)
*Kobal (Christian demonology)
*Kokb'ael (Jewish demonology)
*Krayl (Russian demonology)
*Kulak (Christian demonology)


*Labal (Christian demonology)
*Labasu (a.k.a. Dimmea) (Sumerian mythology)
*Lady Midday (Slavic Mythology)
*La Llorona (Latin American Myth)
*Lamia (Bulgarian folklore, Christian demonology and Greek mythology)
*Legion (Christian demonology)
*Lechies (Slavic mythology)
*Leak (a.k.a. Leyak) (Indonesian/Bali demonology)
*Lempo (Finnish mythology)
*Leraje (Christian demonology)
*Leviathan (Jewish demonology, Christian demonology)
*Libicocco (Dante's Divina Commedia)
*Lilim (Jewish folklore)
*Lilith (Sumerian mythology, Akkadian mythology, Jewish folklore)
*Lilu (Jewish demonology)
*Liothe (North-European folklore)
*Lix Tetrax (Jewish/Christian demonology)
*Lucifer (Christian demonology)
*Lucifuge Rofocale (Christian demonology)


*Malacoda (Dante's Divina Commedia)
*Malphas (Christian demonology)
*Mammon (Christian demonology)
*Mara (Buddhist mythology, Scandinavian folklore)
*Maricha (Hindu mythology)
*Marax (Christian demonology)
*Marbas (Christian demonology)
*Marchosias (Christian demonology)
*Mastema (Jewish demonology)
*Masselir (Jewish mythology)
*Maswath (Islamic mythology)
*Mathim (Christian demonology)
*Mccue (Hindu demonoloy)
*Medusa (Greek mythology)
*Melchiresa (Jewish demonology)
*Melioth (Apocryphal Gospel of Bartholomew)
*Mephistopheles (Christian folklore)
*Merihem (Christian demonology)
*Mermeoth (Apocryphal Gospel of Bartholomew)
*Mictlantecuhtli (Aztec mythology)
*Mojo (African mythology)
*Moloch (Christian demonology)
*Murmur (Christian demonology)
*Muttukumaru (Malaysian demonology)


*Naamah (Jewish demonology)
*Naberius (Christian demonology)
*Naberus (Christian demonology)
*Naphula (Christian demonology)
*Nekomata (Japanese mythology)
*Nemaides (Stroud's Bartimaeus Trilogy)
*Nephonos (Apocryphal Gospel of Bartholomew)
*Neqa'el (Egyptian mythology)
*Ninurta (Sumerian mythology, Akkadian mythology)
*Nix (North-European folklore)
*Nouda (Stroud's Bartimaeus Trilogy)
*Nyai Loro Kidul (a.k.a. Nyi Roro Kidul) (Javanese mythology)


*Onomatath (Apocryphal Gospel of Bartholomew)
*Onoskelis (Greek mythology)
*Oray (Christian demonology)
*Orcus (see also: Orcs)
*Oriax (Christian demonology)
*Ornias (Jewish demonology)
*Orobas (Christian demonology)
*Ose (Christian demonology)
*Oni (Japanese demonology)
*Oulotep (Jewish mythology)


*Paimon (Christian demonology)
*Pazuzu (Sumerian mythology, Akkadian mythology)
*Penemue (Jewish mythology)
*Phenex (Christian demonology)
*Pithius (Christian demonology)
*Pocong (Melayu, Indonesian demonology)
*Pontianak (a.k.a. Kuntilanak) (Indonesian demonology)
*Popobawa (Zanzibar demonology)
*Procell (Christian demonology)
*Pruflas (Christian demonology)
*Psoglav (Slavic Mythology)
*Purson (Christian demonology)
*Putana (Hindu mythology)


*Queezle (Stroud's Bartimaeus Trilogy)


*Raging Demon (Christian demonology)
*Rahab (Jewish folklore)
*Rahovart (European folklore)
*Raiju (Japanese mythology)
*Rakshasa (Hindu mythology)
*Ramuthra (Stroud's Bartimaeus Trilogy)
*Rangda (Balinese mythology)
*Raum (Christian demonology)
*Ravana (Hindu mythology)
*Razakel (European folklore)
*Rimmon (Syrian demonology)
*Ronove (Christian demonology)
*Rosier (Christian demonology)
*Rubicante (Dante's Divina Commedia)
*Rumjal (Jewish demonology)
*Rusalka (Slavic mythology)

*Sabnock (Christian demonology)
*Saiko (Christian demonology)
*Sallos (Christian demonology)
*Salpsan, Satan's son (Apocryphal Gospel of Bartholomew)
*Samael (Jewish demonology)
*Satan (Jewish demonology, Christian demonology, Islamic mythology)
*Satanachia (Christian demonology)
*Scarmiglione (Dante's Divina Commedia)
*Scox (Christian demonology)
*Screwtape (C.S.Lewis The Screwtape Letters)
*Seere (Christian demonology)
*Semyazza (Jewish demonology)
*Set (Egyptian mythology during the Second Intermediate Period)
*Shaitan (Islamic mythology)
*Shanda (Christian demonology)
*Shax (Christian demonology)
*Shedim (Jewish folklore)
*Shezmu (Egyptian mythology)
*Sidragasum (Christian demonology)
*Sitri (Christian demonology)
*Stheno (Greek mythology)
*Stolas (Christian demonology)
*Stuhać (Slavic Mythology)
*Succubus (Sumerian mythology, Akkadian mythology, Jewish folklore, Christian demonology)
*Surgat (Christian demonology)


*Tannin (Jewish demonology)
*Tartaruchi (Apocryphal Christian demonology)
*Tchue (Stroud's Bartimaeus Trilogy)
*Temeluchus (Apocryphal Christian demonology)
*Teeraal (Babylonian mythology)
*Telal (Sumerian demonology)
* Teti (Stroud's Bartimaeus Trilogy)
*Tengu (Japanese Mythology)
*Thammuz (Christian demonology)
*Thren (Nordic demonology)
*Thubar (Islamic mythology)
*Tibbet (Stroud's Bartimaeus Trilogy)
* Tlaloc (Stroud's Bartimaeus Trilogy)
*Truklet (Stroud's Bartimaeus Trilogy)
*Tuyul (Indonesian demonology)
*Tsabar (Islamic mythology)
*Tzitzimime (Aztec mythology)


*Utukku (Assyrian mythology)
*Ummu Syibyan (Islamic mythology)


*Vacca (demonolatry)
*Valefar (Christian demonology)
*Vapula (Christian demonology)
*Vassago (Christian demonology)
*Vepar (Christian demonology)
*Verrine (Christian demonology)
*Vine (Christian demonology)
*Volac (Christian demonology)
*Vual (Christian demonology)


* Wendigo (Native American Mythology)
* Wewe Gombel (Indonesian demonology)
* Wormwood (C.S. Lewis The Screwtape Letters)


*Xitragupten (Christian demonology)
*Xaphan (Christian demonology)


*Yeqon (Jewish demonology)
*Yeter'el (Christian demonology)
*Yokai (Japanese folklore)
*Yole (Stroud's Bartimaeus Trilogy)
*Yuki-Onna (Japanese folklore)


*Zaebos (Christian demonology)
*Zagan (Christian demonology)
*Zankou (Charmed TV series)
*Zelusrous (Christian demonology)
*Zeno (Stroud's Bartimaeus Trilogy)
*Zepar (Christian demonology)
*Ziminar (Christian demonology)
*Zmeu (Romanian folklore)
*Zin (West African folklore)
*Ziz (Jewish Demonology)
*Zosa (Stroud's Bartimaeus Trilogy)
*Zalnabur (Islamic mythology)

ee also

*Christian demonology
*Fallen angel
*List of angels
*Diabolical signature
*Hades - "Underworld"
*Sheol - "Abode of the dead"
*List of legendary creatures
*James Blish - "Black Easter" and "The Day after Judgement".
*Hierarchy of demons
*Classification of demons
*Exorcism - "Expelling Demons"
*Demons "In folklore, mythology, and religion."
*Names of the demons
*Spiritual warfare
*Daemon (mythology)
*Daeva - "Zoroastrianism"

External links

* [ Know Your Demons:] " - The who's who of Satan's Underworld"
* [ Underworld Demon Names]
* [ Origin of Demons] "By Tom Brown"

Christian views on demons

* [ Angels and Demons in Christianity]
* [ What are Demons?]
* [ The New Testament's Demons/Daemones/Daimones] "(The Pre-Christian Origins of)"
* [ Doctrines of Demons]
* [ Demons and the Christian Skeptic]
* [ All about demons] "(a.k.a. diabolical spirits, evil spirits, unclean spirits, devils, etc.)

Other views on demons

* [ Demons and the Occult] "in Tarot" Cards

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