Numéro Cinq

Numéro Cinq

Numéro Cinq is an online literary magazine[1] [2] [3] [4] founded in 2010 by the Governor-General's Award-winning Canadian novelist Douglas Glover. Numéro Cinq publishes a wide variety of new and established artists and writers with a bent toward the experimental, hybrid works, and work in translation as well as essays on the craft and art of writing.



The magazine's name comes from Glover’s short story “The Obituary Writer” (published in his collection Bad News of the Heart). The hero, based loosely on the author as a young newspaperman, harasses a neighbour by making loud noises in the night and pretending to be a member of a sinister terrorist group called Numéro Cinq.[5]

Founder and Editor, Douglas Glover

Douglas Glover, who currently lives in upstate New York, was raised on a tobacco farm in southwestern Ontario. He studied philosophy at York University then received a M. Litt. in philosophy from the University of Edinburgh. He also received an M.F.A from the University of Iowa’s Iowa Writer’s Workshop. He has published five collections of short stories, four novels, and two books of non-fiction. His stories have appeared in Best Canadian Stories, The Best American Short Stories, and The Oxford Book of Canadian Stories. In 2003, Glover’s novel Elle won the Governor-General’s Award for fiction and was a finalist for the IMPAC Dublin Literary Award. He has been a newspaper reporter, a philosophy professor, a writing professor and an editor. He is currently on faculty at the MFA in Writing program at Vermont College of Fine Arts.[6] [7]


Numéro Cinq has published stories, poems, creative non-fiction, sermons, plays, screenplays, photographs[8] [9], and art work by new and established writers and artists.

American Writers Include: William Olsen, Nancy Eimers, Trinie Dalton, Nance Van Winckel, Joe David Bellamy, Jess Row, Sydney Lea, David Rivard, Donald Breckenridge, Leslie Ullman, Johannah Rodgers, Richard Jackson, Dawn Raffel, Russell Working, Lynne Tillman, Jack Myers, and Domenic Stansberry.

Canadian Writers Include: Leon Rooke, Diane Schoemperlen, Mavis Gallant, Bill Gaston, Mark Anthony Jarman, Ann Ireland, David Helwig, John B. Lee, Karen Mulhallen, Stephen Henighan, Genni Gunn, Goran Simic, Dave Margoshes, Keith Maillard, Clark Blaise[10], Steven Heighton, and Jack Hodgins.

Work in Translation Includes: Quim Monzó, Juan José Saer, Anton Chekhov, Mihail Sebastian[11], Giacomo Leopardi, Habib Tengour, Besik Kharanauli, Rilke, and Mathias Énard.


  1. ^ "Literature" Fiction Daily Retrieved Oct 3, 2011.
  2. ^ The Grapevine News from University of British Columbia Creative Writing. Published March 31, 2011. Retrieved Oct 3, 2011.
  3. ^ "Renowned Biologist Shares the Beauty of Cells" Diane Luckow Simon Fraser University News Published May 26, 2011. Retrieved Oct 3, 2011.
  4. ^ "Canadian Journals" Retrieved Oct 3, 2011.
  5. ^ "Quim Monzo's "Gregor" at Numéro Cinq" Chad Post Three Percent Published March 7, 2011. Retrieved Oct 3, 2011.
  6. ^ Contemporary Authors Autobiography Series, Gale Research, Vol. 23, 1996, pp. 81-97.
  7. ^ The Art of Desire, The Fiction of Douglas Glover by Bruce Stone, Oberon Press, Ottawa, 2004, pp. 7-67.
  8. ^ "Egypt After the Revolution" Arthur: The Art Zine Retrieved Oct 3, 2011.
  9. ^ "Larry & I" Nomadics Published March 11, 2011. Retrieved Oct 3, 2011.
  10. ^ "Waiting for Romesh" Thirsty: A Biblioasis Miscellany Published May 20, 2011. Retrieved Oct 3, 2011.
  11. ^ "Accident" Thirsty: A Biblioasis Miscellany Published Nov 7, 2010. Retrieved Oct 3, 2011.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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