

Istihsan (استحسان) is an Arabic term for juristic "preference". Muslim scholars may use it to express their preference for particular judgements in Islamic law over other possibilities. It is one of the principles of legal thought underlying personal interpretation or ijtihad.

Proponents of liberal movements within Islam have used "istihsan" and the similar idea of "istislah" (Arabic for "to deem proper") as ethical principles to favour feminist and reformist interpretations of the Qur'an and thus reform Islamic law.

Some see "Istihsan" as being equivalent to the concept of equity in English law, while others see it as being equivalent to the "reasoned distinction of precedent" in the law of the United States, in which case "Istihsan" may be referred to as the "reasoned distinction of "qiyas" (reasoning by analogy)". John Makdisi writes: [citation|first=John|last=Makdisi|title=Legal Logic and Equity in Islamic Law|journal=The American Journal of Comparative Law|volume=33|issue=1|date=Winter 1985|pages=63-92]



* Kamali, Mohammad Hashim. "Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence." (2).

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