Norelona pyrenaica

Norelona pyrenaica
Norelona pyrenaica
Drawings of the shell of Norelona pyrenaica.
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Gastropoda
(unranked): clade Heterobranchia
clade Euthyneura
clade Panpulmonata
clade Eupulmonata
clade Stylommatophora
informal group Sigmurethra
Superfamily: Helicoidea
Family: Elonidae
Genus: Norelona
Species: N. pyrenaica
Binomial name
Norelona pyrenaica
(Draparnaud, 1805)[1]

Helix pyrenaica Draparnaud, 1805
Elona pyrenaica (Draparnaud, 1805)

Drawings of the shell of Norelona pyrenaica

Norelona quimperiana is a species of air-breathing land snail, a terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusk in the family Elonidae.

Norelona pyrenaica is the type species of the genus Norelona.


Shell description

The shell is narrowly umbilicated, flattened above, thin, pellucid, olivaceous corneous. The shell has 4½[2] whorls, that are rather flattened. The last whorl is not descending. The peristome is acute, reflected, white-lipped.[3]

The width of the shell is 17-21 mm. The height of the shell is 9-11 mm.[2]


This species of snail makes and uses love darts.[4] (Image of reproductive system.)


This species is endemic to the eastern Pyrenees, France.[5] (map of distribution, map 2)

It is also known from Spain since 2007.[6]


This article incorporates public domain text from reference [3]

  1. ^ (French) Draparnaud J.-P.-R. 1805. Histoire naturelle des mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles de la France. Ouvrage posthume. Avec XIII planches. pp. [1-9], j-viij [= 1-8], 1-134, [Pl. 1-13]. Paris, Montpellier. (Plassan, Renaud).
  2. ^ a b (German) Kerney M.P., Cameron R.A.D. & Jungbluth J.H. 1983. Die Landschnecken Nord- und Mitteleuropas. Hamburg/Berlin, 384 pp., page 299.
  3. ^ a b Tryon G. W. 1888. Manual of Conchology, structural and systematic, with illustrations of the species. Second series: Pulmonata. volume 4, page 94, plate 23 figures 13-15.
  4. ^ Gittenberger E. 1979. On Elona (Pulmonata, Eloniadae fam. nov.) Malacologia Volume 18, 1-2, Sixth European Malacological Congress, Amsterdam, 139-145.
  5. ^ Vialatte A., Guiller A., Bellido A. & Madec L. 2008. Phylogeography and historical demography of the Lusitanian snail Elona quimperiana reveal survival in unexpected separate glacial refugia. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2008, 8:339doi:10.1186/1471-2148-8-339.
  6. ^ (Spanish) Guillén G. & Corbella J. 2007. Presència de Norelona pyrenaica (Draparnaud, 1805) (Gastropoda: Elonidae) al Massís del Montseny (el Vallès Oriental, Catalunya, Espanya). Spira 2007, 2(3): 189-190.

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