Noam Zur

Noam Zur

Born 1981, Noam Zur (Hebrew: נעם צור) is in high demand[1] as a guest conductor for both the operatic[2] and the symphonic repertoires. His repertoire includes 30 operas[3] and 150 symphonic works[4] from all styles and periods.

2010-2011 engagements take Noam Zur for a tour with the Kammerphilharmonie Frankfurt in Israel[5], on his debuts with the Israel Camerata, Belgrade Philharmonic[6], Netania-Kibbutz Chamber Orchestra and the Israel Symphony Orchestra. Furthermore, returned to the Wiener Volksoper[7], opening their 2010-11 season with “Die Fledermaus” and during the holiday season for “Hänsel & Gretel”. Amongst others, he returns to the Abu Gosh Festival, the Transylvanian State Philharmonic Cluj, and the Jerusalem Radio Symphony Orchestra.

In 2006, Maître Pierre Boulez chose Noam Zur as his assistant as well as consultant and conductor for the Lucerne Festival Academy (2006-2008)[8].

Noam Zur was Principal Resident Conductor at the Aalto Theater Essen until August 2010[9]. As part of the European Cultural Capital festivities of Essen, he led the new productions of Henze's "Elegie für Junge Liebende" and a concert version of Bizet's "Les pêcheurs des Perles". 2009-2010 season saw him heading the premiere of "La Sylphide" with the Aalto Ballet Company. With the Musikcollegium Winterthur, Switzerland he has performed the same Peter Schaufuss production of “La Sylphide” on tour with the Aalto Ballet Company. Furthermore, he conducted the revivals of "Nabucco" and "Carmen", as well as fifty repertoire performances of all the major pieces throughout the season.

Since 2001, Zur performed in major concert halls and with leading orchestras in Germany, Israel, Switzerland, Austria, France, Estonia, Romania, Scandinavia, and Italy.[10]


  1. ^ IBA Israeli Radio. 
  2. ^ "OperaBase Listing". OperaBase. 
  3. ^ "Opera Repertoire". ArtPro Management. 
  4. ^ "Symphonic Repertoire". ArtPro Management. 
  5. ^ City Mouse (Hebrew).,1021,209,54987,.aspx. 
  6. ^ Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra "Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra". Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra. Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra. 
  7. ^ "Wiener Volksoper". Volksoper Wien. 
  8. ^
  9. ^ "Aalto Theater Essen". Aalto Theater Essen. 
  10. ^ Haaretz. 

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