Scandal — • A word or action evil in itself, which occasions another s spiritual ruin Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Scandal Scandal † … Catholic encyclopedia
Scandal Savage — Primera aparición Villains United Nº1 (julio de 2005) Información Scandal Savage es una supervillana de DC Comics que apareció por primera vez en Villains United N° 1 (julio de 2005). Fue creada por Gail Simone y Dale Eaglesham … Wikipedia Español
Scandal (banda) — Scandal Datos generales Origen Nueva York, Estados Unidos … Wikipedia Español
scandal — UK US /ˈskændəl/ noun ► [C or U] an action or event that shocks people and makes them feel disapproval: cause/create (a) scandal »The politician s behaviour caused a scandal. a scandal breaks/erupts »When the subprime loan scandal broke, the… … Financial and business terms
scandal — SCANDÁL, scandaluri, s.n. 1. Zarvă, vâlvă produsă de o faptă reprobabilă, ruşinoasă; indignare, revoltă provocată de o asemenea faptă. ♦ Zgomot mare, gălăgie, tărăboi. ♢ expr. (fam.) A face cuiva scandal = a mustra aspru, a certa pe cineva cu… … Dicționar Român
SCANDAL — (groupe japonais) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Scandal. Scandal Pays d’origine Japon … Wikipédia en Français
Scandal — Scan dal, n. [F. scandale, fr. L. scandalum, Gr. ?, a snare laid for an enemy, a stumbling block, offense, scandal: cf. OE. scandle, OF. escandle. See {Slander}.] 1. Offense caused or experienced; reproach or reprobation called forth by what is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Scandal mac Bécce — (died 646) was a Dal nAraide king of the Cruithne in Ulaid (Ulster). He was the grandson of Fiachra Cáech (died 608), the brother of Fiachnae mac Báetáin (died 626), a king of all Ulaid. [Byrne, Table 7; Charles Edwards, Appendix XXII; Mac… … Wikipedia
Scandal — «Scandal» Canción de Queen Álbum The Miracle Publicación 1989 Grabación … Wikipedia Español
Scandal — (engl. für Skandal) bezeichnet: den britischen Spielfilm Scandal des Regisseurs Michael Caton Jones von 1989 über die Ereignisse der Profumo Affäre die 1989 erschienene Single von Queen, siehe den Albumartikel The Miracle die Rockband Scandal (US … Deutsch Wikipedia
Scandal (série télévisée) — Scandal Titre original Scandal Genre série dramatique Créateur(s) Shonda Rhimes Production Shonda Rhimes Betsy Beers Acteurs principaux Kerry Washington Henry Ian Cusick Columbus Short Guillermo Diaz Darby Stanchfield Katie L … Wikipédia en Français