- Binary compound
A binary compound is a compound that contains two different elements, such as NaCl (salt or
sodium chloride ).Another example is NaF (sodium fluoride ). One other example isMagnesium Oxide (MgO).Metals with variable valences
“Latin Method” Latin name of metal + “-ic” (For higher valence) / “-ous” (For lower valence) + Nonmetal + “-ide”
Binary Acids
“Hydro-” + Nonmetal + “-ic” + “acid”
There are only 10 existing non-metals that can be involved in binary acids when combined with hydrogen: chlorine, fluorine, bromine, iodine, and sulfur. it can also equal an "-ide"
Binary Covalent Compounds
Nonmetal + Nonmetal + "-ide".
Add the appropriate Latin prefix to each element name to denote the number of atoms of each element present in a molecule of the compound. This method is generally not used with ionic compounds(see below), . For example, K2O is usually not called dipotassium monoxide, it is simply potassium oxide. P4O6, however, would be tetraphosphorus hexoxide. Some elements beginning with vowels (Oxygen, for example) replace the vowel ending of its prefix; mono- + Oxide = Monoxide, O4 = Tetroxide, O5 = Pentoxide, and so on.
Binary Ionic Compounds
Cation +Anion + "ide" (if there is only one atom of the anion, as in Magnesium Sulfide, MgS)If the anion is more than one atom of the same substance, either "ite" or "ate" is added at the end instead of "ide". "ite" is used when the anion is, "ate" if the anion is 3 or higher. Ex.: CaCl2 are common however... one being Iron(III) Oxide=Fe2O3.
If the compound is aqueous (aq) and begins with "H" then it can be read as hydro + ____ + ic acid. Example H2S is hydrosulfuric acid
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Binary compound — Binary Bi na*ry, a. [L. binarius, fr. bini two by two, two at a time, fr. root of bis twice; akin to E. two: cf. F. binaire.] Compounded or consisting of two things or parts; characterized by two (things). [1913 Webster] {Binary arithmetic}, that … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Binary compound — Compound Com pound, n. 1. That which is compounded or formed by the union or mixture of elements ingredients, or parts; a combination of simples; a compound word; the result of composition. Shak. [1913 Webster] Rare compound of oddity, frolic,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
binary compound — noun chemical compound composed of only two elements • Hypernyms: ↑compound, ↑chemical compound • Hyponyms: ↑sodium chloride, ↑common salt, ↑ammonia, ↑calcium carbide, ↑water, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
binary compound — dvinaris junginys statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Junginys, sudarytas iš dviejų elementų. atitikmenys: angl. binary compound rus. бинарное соединение ryšiai: sinonimas – binarinis junginys … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
binary compound — binarinis junginys statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. binary compound vok. binäre Verbindung, f rus. бинарное соединение, n; двойное соединение, n pranc. composé binaire, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
binary compound — noun a) A chemical compound composed of only two elements. b) A compound composed of an element and a radical (a group of atoms that behave as one piece) … Wiktionary
binary compound — a compound whose molecule is composed of atoms of only two elements … Medical dictionary
binary compound — /ˈbaɪnəri ˌkɒmpaʊnd/ (say buynuhree .kompownd) noun Chemistry a compound containing only two atoms …
Binary — Bi na*ry, a. [L. binarius, fr. bini two by two, two at a time, fr. root of bis twice; akin to E. two: cf. F. binaire.] Compounded or consisting of two things or parts; characterized by two (things). [1913 Webster] {Binary arithmetic}, that in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Binary arithmetic — Binary Bi na*ry, a. [L. binarius, fr. bini two by two, two at a time, fr. root of bis twice; akin to E. two: cf. F. binaire.] Compounded or consisting of two things or parts; characterized by two (things). [1913 Webster] {Binary arithmetic}, that … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
*Exception – If the first element is a single atom, do not write “mono”. 1 Mono- 3 Tri- 5 Penta- 7 Hepta- 9 Nona- 2 Di- 4 Tetra- 6 Hexa- 8 Octa- 10 Deca-