Ninac Vukoslavić

Ninac Vukoslavić
Ninac Vukoslavić
Born Ninac Vukoslavić
Occupation Chancellor at Albanian court
Religion Serbian Orthodoxy

Ninac Vukoslavić or "the Serbian Scribe"[1] (Serbian: Ниньц Вукосаљићi[›]) was a 15th-century Serbian scribe (dijak) and chancellor (ęŕньжилерь) at the court of Scanderbeg of Albania.

He is the author of both of Scanderbeg's letters written in 1450 and 1459, sent to the Republic of Ragusa, found in the Monumenta Serbica, written in Old Serbian. The letters proves that the Albanian court used Serbian, besides Greek and Latin, as sociolinguistics.[2]


^ i: In the letters found written by Ninac, his given name is attested as Íиньц or Íčньц, while the surname can be transliterated as Vukosaljić due to reduction (Vukosavljević).

  1. ^ "Zakonik cara Stefana Dušana", Struški i Atonski rukopis, SANU, Beograd 1975, str. 32, nap. 34.
  2. ^ Starosrpski jezik u dva pisma Đurđa Kastriota Dubrovčanima
    "Two short letters sent by Đurađ Kastriot to the citizens of Dubrovnik (year 1450 and 1459) bear witness of existence of a scribe for Serbian language correspondence in Đurađ's court Office. In that time, in Albanian milieu, Serbian was a sort of official language in communicating with neighboring Slavic region. The language of these letters shows traces of Old Serbian, as well as other letters coming from Serbian Offices."


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