Niloofar Beyzaie

Niloofar Beyzaie



Central themes of her theater work are "woman", "the suffering of individuals among the crowd" and "being a stranger either in the own or in the foreign society". She also puts emphasis on the sociopolitical context of the theater in its contemporary issues. In addition to her theatrical work she writes articles about the political and social situation, particularly the situation of women in Iran. She advocates for women's rights[1] and for the rights of gays and lesbians in Iran and is involved in the Iranian art and cultural scene in exile for the rights of religious minorities in Iran, in particular the Bahais.[2] In 2005, she was awarded the Persian "World Academy of Art, Literature and Media" in Budapest as the best theatre director in exile in category "the Performing Arts".[3] In the same year her play Daughters of the Sun (Come,dance with me) was performed in Zurich by Maralam Theater under direction of Peter Braschler. [4] The revival of her play No Man's Land [5] was performed in German in March 2009 in (Karlsruhe)[6] within the framework of the "Cultural Perspectives of Women festival 09".[7] Her latest play "One file, two murders" about the political murder of the couple Forouhar had its premiere in October 2009.

Staging (theatre director)

  • Marjan, Mani and a few small problems, 1996
  • The Last Game, 1997
  • 99: No Man's Land, 1998
  • A knife in the back (text: Kaveh Esmaili), 1999–2000
  • The blue dreams of the gray women , 2000–2001
  • Three Opinions on a death (based on a text by: Mina Assadi), 2001–2002
  • The Blind Owl ( based on a text by: Sadegh Hedayat), 2004–2005
  • The blind owl (bilingual, along with Tom Peifer), 2005
  • foreign as you and I (based on a text by Farhang Kassraei and Maria Piniella), 2006–2007
  • The Voice of Silence, 2007–2008
  • The blind owl (revival), 2008
  • No Man's Land (revival), 2009
  • One file, two murders, 2009–2010

Plays (playwright)

  • Banu in the mirror city (performed in the same year under direction of Mohsen Hosseini in Frankfurt am Main), 1994
  • Marjan, Mani and a few small problems, 1995
  • The last game, 1996
  • No Man's Land , 1997
  • The blue dreams of the gray women, 2000
  • Come dance with me (Daughters of the Sun), 2005
  • The Voice of Silence, 2006
  • One file, two murders, 2009


  • 2005:Persian "World Academy of Art, Literature and Media"Budapest:Best Directorin the Performing Arts category[8] and [9]


  1. ^ article women rights
  2. ^ we are ashamed
  3. ^ iranian world academie Award best director
  4. ^ Maralam come, dance with me
  5. ^ 10th Cultural Perspectives of Women Festival 2009 No man's land
  6. ^ staatstheatre No man's land
  7. ^ cultural festival tausend and one iran women
  8. ^ Award
  9. ^ best stage director

External links

See also

List of famous Persian women

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