Nilali Goundam Palayam

Nilali Goundam Palayam

Nilali Goundam Palayam is a village located near Koduvai, in Tiruppur District, India. It comes under Kangayam Thaluka. The population is about 200 families, most engaged in agriculture, working their own land. About 100 people travel to Tiruppur to work in companies. All children in the area attend local schools. Nilali Goundam Palayam has 200 homes, with a population of over 1000. The village has three temples and a school teaching up to 8th grade. Alumni are working in various MNC's like HCL Technologies, Wipro Cognizant. Some of them studying Engineering, diploma, under graduate courses, and post graduate. political parties such as Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK), All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK), Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (MDMK), and Desiya Murpokku Dravida Kazhagam (DMDK) are supported.


Bus Routes :-

The following buses are coming to this village.

  • From Kangayam : Bus no K8.(Timing 6AM,8AM,11AM,2.45PM,5PM,8.15PM)
  • From Tirupur : Bus no 15A.(Timing 5AM,5PM & 7PM)
  • From Kundadam : Bus no K8.(Timing 4.45AM,7AM,10AM,12.15PM,4PM & 7PM)

Goundampalayam is located 3 km away from Dharapuram—Tirupur(Vanjipalayam) Route and 5KM away from Erode—Palani(Udhiyur) Route.

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