Anna Nikolskaya-Ekseli

Anna Nikolskaya-Ekseli
Anna Nikolskaya-Ekseli April 2009

Nikolskaya-Ekseli, Anna O. (born June 14, 1979, Barnaul, Altai Region, U.S.S.R.) - Award winning author of stories and books in the children and Sci-Fi genres.


Early Life
Father: Nikolsky, Oleg K.(born May 9, 1937) - Doctor of Electrical Sciences, Professor, Altai State Technical University
Mother: Lidia (born September 22, 1945) - Doctor of Psychiatry

Education and Affiliations
Graduated from Altai State Technical University, Moscow International School of Design, College of Art and Design Chelsea, London.
Member of the following Associations: International Federation of Russian Writers, Association of Children and Young Writers' Union of Russia. Anna is the Chief Editor of the illustrated children’s magazine “Yellow Caterpillar”.


  • Путешествие на Запад, или Тайна мадам Кортни (Journey to the West, or The Secret of Madam Courtney) Russian, 2005 (Under Anna Nikolskaya)
  • Хвостатый лекарь (The Tailed Doctor) Russian, 2006 (Under Anna Nikolskaya)
  • Город Собак (City of Dogs) Russian, 2006 (Under Anna Nikolskaya)
  • Не бойся… FUNтастика/22 (Don't be afraid....SciFi/22/) Russian, 2007
  • Приключения черной таксы (Adventures of the black Dachshund) Russian, 2008
  • По Зашкафью кувырком (The secret behind the Bookcase) Russian, 2009
  • Почтовый ящик Деда Мороза (The Mailbox of S.C.), Russian (2011).
  • Кадын - владычица гор (Kadyn – the Mistress of the Mountains), Russia (2011).
  • Books coming soon: “About Babaka the Bone” (2011), "Monsters Encyclopedia" (2011), "A Friends Heart" (2011).

Best Altai Region Children's Book - 2005
A. Tolstoy International Competition Award for Children and Young People in artistic, scientific and popular literature - 2007
Literal Vienna, Austria - International Competition - 2008 (for Не бойся… FUNтастика/22)
Ambassador of Peace Award (Lifetime emeritus) from Convent of People's Diplomacy (Rome, IT) - July 5, 2009

Sergei Mihalkov International Competition of children’s books-2010.

Adult Life
Anna is married and has one child.

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