Nikolay Bagrayev

Nikolay Bagrayev

Nikolay Georgievich Bagrayev is a Ukrainian public person and politician.


Personal life

Nikolay Bagrayev was born on 19 June 1964[1], in Dihora village of North-Ossetian ASSR, Russia. Parents: Georgiy Bagrayev(1882-1977) was a farmer, mother, Chabahan Bagrayeva (b.1927), is a veteran of war and labor, lives in Dihora. Nikolay Bagrayev is married, his wife Svetlana Baпrayeva (b. 1966)is a psychologist. They have son Ruslan (b. 1988), he graduated from Kyiv National Economic University (KNEU)(International Economics and Management faculty), and a daughter, Lyudmila (b. 1990). She is also the student at the International Economics and Management faculty at KNEU.



  • 1987-1988 - senior technical inspector, permanent buildings and facilities construction department, "Kherson Beauty"
  • 1988-1991 - second and later first Secretary of Kakhovka сity Komsomol Committee
  • 1991-1992 - Chairman of the Youth Committee of Kakhovka municipality
  • 1992-1996 - Director General, Directorate of the International Festival "Tavria Games"
  • 1996-2000 - President of JSC "Tavria Games"
  • February 1998 - October 2000 - Secretary of Presidential Expert Council of Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs
  • June 2000- May 2002 - Member of the National Presidential Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine

Nikolay Bagrayev is a successful businessman in mass-media and show business. Founder and Honorary President of the festivals "Tavria Games" (founded in 1992)[2][3], "Black Sea Games" (1998).


Nikolay Bagrayev was the People's Deputy of Ukraine in the 4th, 5th and 6th[5] convocations of Verkhovna Rada. Although elected for Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko he is currently a member of the faction of Party of Regions.[5] Although he was earlier on of the architects of the election campaign of Yulia Tymoshenko during the Ukrainian presidential elections of 2010.[6]

See also

External links


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