AW, aW or aw may stand for:


*Active Worlds
*Addison-Wesley, publishers
*Ahrweiler district in Germany
*Agape World Fellowship
*Alan Wake, an upcoming videogame being developed by Remedy Entertainment.
*Allied Waste Industries Inc, stock symbol on NYSE
*"Another World", an American soap opera
*Arctic Warfare, a British sniper rifle
*Aruba, the ISO 3166-1 2-letter country code
*A&W Restaurants or A&W Root Beer
*Dirgantara Air Service (Indonesia) (IATA code)
*Schreiner Airways (Netherlands) (ATA code)
*Advance Wars a portable strategy game.
*Atomic Weight
*Armstrong Whitworth
*Arvin Wali
*Ibanez AW Series acoustic guitars
*Aviation Warfare Systems Operator, a rating in the United States Navy
*Arsène Wenger, manager of Arsenal F.C. in England
*Aviation Week


*attowatt, an SI unit of power


*Tropical wet-and-dry climate (warm to hot all year with wet summers and dry winters)


*Water activity (aw) relative availability of water in a substance.

ee also

* .aw, the ccTLD for Aruba

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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