

Niconium was an ancient city on the east bank of the Dniester estuary, within the modern village Roksolana in Ovidiopol district of Odessa region.


It appeared in the second half VI cent N. Oe.[clarification needed] and was the economic and political dependence on Istria. Stone construction in the city begins in the V th century Mr. Oe.[clarification needed] At the turn of the 3rd-2nd centuries BC. Oe.[clarification needed] the city was destroyed, which is associated with the Macedonian commander Zopyrion, associate of Alexander the Great. In the 1st century AD Oe.[clarification needed] the size of the city increased from the previous period. Life in Niconium stopped for III-IV v.v.n. Oe.[clarification needed] in the time of the Great Migrations.

In the 5th-4th centuries BC. Oe. major money in Niconium were Istrian copper alloy coins. Perhaps Niconium itself produced these coins, dating from about 470 - 460 years. BC. Oe. The coincidence of the dating of the coins from the period of the reign of the Scythian king Scylas, attest to the fact that it is given a name Scylas on coins Niconium.

See also

  • Nikonion // North Pontic Archaeology. Colloquia Pontika. – V. 6. – Leiden. Boston. Köln, 2001
  • А.Г Загинайло П. О. Карышковский. Монеты cкифского царя Скила [Coins of Scythian King Scylus] // Нумизматические исследования по истории Юго-Восточной Европы: Сборник научых трудов. – Кишинёв: Штиинца, 1990. – С. 315
  • Загинайло А.Г. Литые монеты царя Скила. // Древнее Причерноморье. – Одесса, 1990. – С. 64-71.
  • Одесский музей нумизматике. Никоний
  • O D E S S A S T A T E M U S E U M o f A R C H A E O L O G Y

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