Nicolaus Schmidt

Nicolaus Schmidt
Nicolaus Schmidt 1974

Nicolaus Schmidt (born Arnis, Germany on January 1, 1953) is a German artist and photographer. He studied at the Hamburg Art Academy (HfBK) in the 1970s. In 1975, he founded ROSA, one of Germany’s first gay-themed magazines. From 1980-89, Schmidt was an art teacher in Hamburg. During the 1980s, he was a volunteer with the German branch of the children’s rights organization Terre des Hommes, serving for a time as its chairman. Since 1991, he has been living and making art in the Berlin neighborhood of Prenzlauer Berg.


Public Works

Cerro Rico Aktion, Hamburg 1982

In 1982, Nicolaus Schmidt created the Cerro Rico Aktion with 100,000 tin cans. In this work, the artist created an outdoor installation inspired by his interest in Third World affairs. Via public media, people were asked to collect tin cans so that the artist and his team could build a shining silver mountain (“Cerro Rico”) to symbolize the Bolivian mountain of the same name.[1] This project called attention to the historical exploitation of South America’s wealth by European conquerors, and the use of child labor in the region. The Cerro Rico Aktion served as a prototype for many campaigns protesting conditions in the developing world.

In 2008, Schmidt and Christoph Radke presented RECONSTRUCCION! (Reconstruction) at the 10th Portes Obertes in El Cabanyal/Valencia, Spain.[2]

With this performance/installation, the artists protested against the demolition of the architecturally and historically significant quarter. Despite their efforts, the area was partly destroyed shortly thereafter so that a new avenue can be built.

Photography and Painting Projects

Since the end of the 1980s, Schmidt has been working on his “Morphograms,” anthropomorphic designs derived from the lines of the human body. The works start as drawings and are transformed into paintings and sculptures.

Another long-term project is the Kosmographie Gayhane, which Schmidt started in 2004. Gayhane is a successful Berlin nightlife event at the legendary SO36, offering Turkish gays and lesbians a place to meet. Schmidt’s Kosmographie is both documentary and fiction. It is a collection of fifty photographic portraits as well as illegible words written in an oriental-looking script.[3]

Since 2007, the artist has been working on the New York Breakdancers Project (N.Y.P.B.). In a first show 2009 at Deutsches Haus/NYU he presents a series of large sized photographs tackling the subject of breakdance in urban space. "Nicolaus Schmidt’s photos are based on the idea of giving the dancers all the freedom to perform while the artist acts as a quasi-neutral observer". (Aboli Lion) [4]

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 1987: Ve-Vie-Lu - Kunstverein Geheim, Hamburg
  • 1992: Galerie Graf & Schelble, Basel
  • 1994: Morphogramme - Städtisches Museum Flensburg
  • 1997: 26 Morphogramme eines jungen Mannes - Galerie ACUD, Berlin
  • 2006: Gayhane - Ebene +14, Hamburg
  • 2008: Kosmographie Gayhane - Deutsches Haus at NYU, New York City
  • 2008: RECONSTRUCCIÓN! - X. Portes Obertes, Valencia, Spain
  • 2009: God Dancing / Spiders Flipping - Deutsches Haus at NYU, New York City



  • This article is based on a translation of the corresponding article from the German Wikipedia, accessed on 6 August 2009.


  1. ^ (German)
  2. ^ El Pais, El Cabanyal se abre al arte, 2008-10-28
  3. ^ [1] Document by Peter Schwanewilms, exhibition at DH, see: "Deutsches Haus/NYU calendar spring 2008 detail", 2008-4-12
  4. ^ press release at

External links

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