Nicolo Grassi

Nicolo Grassi
Flagellation of Christ by Nicolo Grassi, 1720

Nicolò Grassi (7 April 1682 – 6 October 1748), also known as Nicola Grassi, was an Italian painter who was born in Formeaso and died in Venice.

After studying as an apprentice with Antonio Carneo he moved to Venice in 1697 after his death. He worked with the Genovese artist Nicolo Cassana until 1709.

In 1710 he was recognized for his work The Virgin with Child and two saints. Between 1722 and 1725 he went to Bavaria and then to Dalmatia.

Grassi is one of the notable from Friuli, and a good example that it is impossible to advance to Rococo without knowing Baroque.


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