Nick Lowe (classicist)

Nick Lowe (classicist)

Dr Nick Lowe is a Reader in Classics in the Department of Classics and Philosophy at Royal Holloway University of London, with interests including narratology and reception of Greek antiquity in historical fiction.[1] He is also an award-winning film reviewer for science fiction magazine, Interzone.[2] He received his MA and PhD from Cambridge University.[3]



Lowe was born in Manchester and raised in Glasgow before going up to read Classics at Cambridge. He taught Classics at three different colleges in London before being appointed lecturer in Greek literature at Royal Holloway.[4]


  • Comedy (2008), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Greece & Rome: New Surveys in the Classics).
  • 'Epinikian Eidography' (2007), in Pindar's Poetry, Patrons and Fetivals: from Archaic Greece to the Roman Empire, Morgan, C. A. & Hornblower, S. (eds.). Oxford: OUP, p. 167-76.
  • 'Gilbert Murray and Psychic Research' (2007), in Reassessing Gilbert Murray, Stray, C. A. (ed.). Oxford: OUP, p. 349-70.
  • 'Aristophanic Spacecraft' (2006), in Playing around Aristophanes: Essays in Honour of Alan Sommerstein, Kozak, L. & Rich, J. (eds.). Oxford : Aris & Phillips, p. 48-64.
  • 'Problematic Verrall: The Sceptic-at-Law' (2005), in The Owl of Minerva: The Cambridge Praelections of 1906, Stray, C. A. (ed.). p. 142-60. (Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society, Supplementary Volume).
  • 'Euripides' (2004), in Narrators, Narratees, and Narratives in Ancient Greek Literature, de Jong, I., Bowie, A. & Nünlist, R. (eds.). Leiden : Brill p. 269-80.
  • 'Lycophron' (2004), in Narrators, Narratees, and Narratives in Ancient Greek Literature, de Jong, I., Bowie, A. & Nünlist, R. (eds.). Leiden : Brill p. 307-14.
  • 'Metamorphoses of Genre in Fictions of Antiquity' (2004), in Crimina: Die Antike im modernen Kriminalroman, Brodersen, K. (ed.). Frankfurt : Verlag Antike p. 217-39.
  • 'Verrall, Arthur Woollgar' (2004), in The Dictionary of British Classicists, Todd, R. B. (ed.). Bristol : Thoemmes Continuum
  • 'Comic Plots and the Invention of Fiction' (2000), in The Rivals of Aristophanes, Harvey, D. & Wilkins, J. M. (eds.). London & Swansea : Duckworth & Classical Press of Wales p. 259-72.
  • The Classical Plot and the Invention of Western Narrative (2000), Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
  • Theatre Ancient and Modern edited with Hardwick, L., Ireland, S. & Macintosh, F. Open University Press.
  • 'Thesmophoria and Haloa: Myth, Physics, and Mysteries' (1998), in The Sacred and the Feminine in Ancient Greece, Blundell, S. & Williamson, M. (eds.). London & New York : Routledge p. 149-73.
  • 'Tragic and Homeric Ironies' (1996), in Tragedy and The Tragic, Silk, M. S. (ed.). Oxford : Clarendon Press p. 520-33.
  • 'Aristophanes' (1994), in International Dictionary of the Theatre vol 2: Playwrights, Hawkins-Dady, M. (ed.). Detroit, Washington, & London : St James' Press p. 38-9.
  • 'Terence' (1994), in International Dictionary of the Theatre vol 2: Playwrights, Hawkins-Dady, M. (ed.). Detroit, Washington, & London : St James' Press p. 953-6.
  • 'Aristophanes' Books' (1993), in Annals of Scholarship 10, p. 63-93.
  • 'Frogs' (1992), with Hawkins-Dady, M. in International Dictionary of the Theatre vol 1: Plays, Hawkins-Dady, M. (ed.). Chicago & London : St James' Press p. 272-3.
  • 'Lysistrata (1992) with Hawkins-Dady, M. in International Dictionary of the Theatre vol 1: Plays, Hawkins-Dady, M. (ed.). Chicago & London : St James' Press p. 446-8.
  • 'Phormio' (1992) in International Dictionary of the Theatre vol 1: Plays, Hawkins-Dady, M. (ed.). Chicago & London : St James' Press p. 610-11.
  • 'Prometheus Bound' (1992) in International Dictionary of the Theatre vol 1: Plays, Hawkins-Dady, M. (ed.). Chicago & London : St James' Press p. 637-9.
  • 'The Braggart Soldier' (1992) in International Dictionary of the Theatre vol 1: Plays, Hawkins-Dady, M. (ed.). Chicago & London : St James' Press p. 78-9.
  • 'The Suppliants' (1992) in International Dictionary of the Theatre vol 1: Plays, Hawkins-Dady, M. (ed.). Chicago & London : St James' Press p. 774-5.
  • 'Greek Stagecraft and Aristophanes' (1988), in Themes in Drama 10: Farce. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press p. 33-52.
  • 'Sulpicia's Syntax' (1988), in Classical Quarterly 38, p. 193-205.
  • 'Tragic Space and Comic Timing in Menander's Dyskolos' (1987), in Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 34, p. 126-38.


  1. ^ Academic home page at RHUL Classics and Philosophy.
  2. ^ 2009 British Science Fiction Association Award for Mutant Popcorn (see BSFA Awards 2009 Winners).
  3. ^ Degrees listed at Classicists in British Universities.
  4. ^ Biography of Nick Lowe at Criticos Prize Committee.

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