Nic Rad

Nic Rad
Nic Rad
Birth name Nicholas Radkowsky
Born 18 September 1982(1982-09-18)
Cleveland, Ohio
Nationality American
Field Painter
Training Savannah College of Art and Design
New York Academy of Art
Movement Unclassified

Nic Rad was born in 1982 in Cleveland, Ohio, United States. Rad is an artist based in New York City. He graduated in 2005 from the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, Georgia. Rad completed his masters degree two years later at the New York Academy of Art. He was also educated in Balleroy, France and Florence, Italy during fellowship stays.

During graduate school Rad worked on commercial projects for various clients including VH1, MTV2, Mike Ruiz, Nicole Atkins and the Sea, and Wolfmother.[1]

Rad lists current influences as Otto Dix, James Ensor, and R. Crumb, whose idiosyncratic voices personalize human and global conflict. The artist "develops his narratives from abstract marks and cartoons them toward clarity to create epics that imagine the role of humans in the universe as volatile, mystical, and consuming." [2]

Rad's first show, "Barry and the Universe," debuted in New York City at RARE Gallery in Chelsea in January 2008.[2]

The artist is currently developing a series of portraits of media personalities from both new and old guards, exploring the economic and social relationships between artist and critic, journalist and reader, and so forth. The series will debut in early 2010.[3]


  1. ^ "
  2. ^ Reasonably Articulate Detritus

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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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