

Chak No 235 R-B Niamuana is a village near Faisalabad District. It is situated on Samundri Road, Faisalabad. It is a major village of the Rajoka tribe. Jat are also lives in Niamuana.

There is a community center in the center of the village and also Eid Gah. Lush green fields around the village make it beautiful. A vast playground is also for youth to play different sports.

People from Niamuana

  • Mehmood Hayat Rajoka is an brilliant[citation needed] young entrepreneur. He is also an ACCA.
  • Dr Ashraf Ali Rajoka is Surpunch of Village.

Coordinates: 31°20N 73°05E / 31.333°N 73.083°E / 31.333; 73.083

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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