New Babylon (Constant Nieuwenhuys)

New Babylon (Constant Nieuwenhuys)

New Babylon is a Utopian anti-capitalist city designed in 1959-74 by artist-architect Constant Nieuwenhuys.[1] Henri Lefebvre explained: "a New Babylon -- a provocative name, since in the Protestant tradition Babylon is a figure of evil. New Babylon was to be the figure of good that took the name of the cursed city and transformed itself into the city of the future."[1] The goal was the creating of alternative life experiences, called 'situations'. Sarah Williams Goldhagenp, explained:[2]

[In 1950s, Constant] had already been working for years on his "New Babylon" series of paintings, sketches, texts,and architectural models describing the shape of a post-revolutionary society. Constant's New Babylon was to be a series of linked transformable structures, some of which were themselves the size of a small city--what architects call a megastructure. Perched above ground, Constant's megastructures would literally leave the bourgeois metropolis below and would be populated by homo ludens--man at play. (Homo Ludens is the title of a book by the great Dutch historian Johan Huizinga.) In the New Babylon, the bourgeois shackles of work, family life, and civic responsibility would be discarded. The post-revolutionary individual would wander from one leisure environment to another in search of new sensations. Beholden to no one, he would sleep, eat, recreate, and procreate where and when he wanted. Self-fulfillment and self-satisfaction were Constant's social goals. Deductive reasoning, goal-oriented production, the construction and betterment of a political community--all these were eschewed.

Constant's New Babylon, and his 1953 work For an Architecture of Situation, were based on the idea that architecture itself would allow and instigate a transformation of daily reality."[1]




  1. ^ a b c d Henri Lefebvre on the Situationist International. Interview conducted and translated 1983 by Kristin Ross. Printed in October 79, Winter 1997
  2. ^ Sarah Williams Goldhagen (July 2006) ON ARCHITECTURE : Extra-Large in The New Republic

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  • New Babylon — may refer to: Neo Babylonian Empire (626 BC–539 BC), a period of Mesopotamian history that is also known as the Chaldean Dynasty New Babylon (Constant Nieuwenhuys), the anti capitalist city designed in 1950 by artist architect Constant… …   Wikipedia

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  • Constant (Maler) — Constant, eigentlich Constant Anton Nieuwenhuys (* 21. Juli 1920 in Amsterdam; † 1. August 2005 in Utrecht), war ein niederländischer Maler und Bildhauer. Leben und Werk Nach dem Studium an der Kunstgewerbeschule und an der Reichsakademie der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Constant — Constant,   1) [ kɔnstant], eigentlich Constant Ạnton Nieuwenhuys [ niːwəhœjs], niederländischer Maler und Bildhauer, * Amsterdam 21. 7. 1920; Mitglied der »Experimentellen Gruppe« und der Gruppe Cobra. Constant beschäftigte sich in den 50er und …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Constant Nieuwenhuis — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Constant. Constant Anton Nieuwenhuys, né le 21 juillet 1920 à Amsterdam, mort le 1er août 2005 à Utrecht, était un peintre néerlandais. Sommaire …   Wikipédia en Français

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